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Yesterday's Dreamer

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Reg and Regfunkel reunion tour 2012…live in the Bunker…

          Yesterday's Dreamer

Yesterday’s dreamer sat on the sidewalk
Trying to find a way through his clouded mind
There was no rhyme or reason
To why he was feeling so down inside
His mind was locked on a past adventure that failed
Tormented by the ship that never sailed

Where did his life go
Or was it just a life that was playing out in his mind

Dreaming solo when he should be a pair
He climbed the ladder to find despair
Lonely and cold no one to share or hold
Holding the cards that he would have to fold
Sitting without sunshine the grey clouds form
And the driving rain began to fall

Where did his life go
Or was it just a life that was playing out in his mind

Yesterday dreamer sat on the sidewalk
Trying to find a way through his clouded mind
There was no rhyme or reason
To what he was feeling inside
His mind was locked on a past adventure that failed
Tormented by a ship that had already sailed

Where did his life go

Or was it just a life that was playing out in his mind

Could he save something from his past or was it gone with wastes of time

igor's avatar
igor said

Reg and Regfunkel, Viva Reunion! But hey, who's Regfunkel..? :-)

sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

i think that last line was meant to be "or was it lost in the wastes of time" - simeon regfunkel

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Arh this time last week relaxing with a whiskey in hand...this week hiding in the kitchen having a sneaky listen while the children watch a DVD before bed.....oh what a diffence a week makes......

Guest said

Light Sweet, sad real good.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Best ever Regs. Seriously.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Perfect in all the details. It don't get much better. Plus, Regfunkel 'bout floored me :D

igor's avatar
igor said

Yesterday's dreamer sat on the sidewalk, Looked at the road traveled, Tried to see it make sense, And couldn't. Or, maybe the meaning of the way is in the way itself, so dusty and lonely ..?

Billy Jack's avatar
Billy Jack said

Wow, simple, powerful and great melody/harmonies

The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said


Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Fab... this is the business, boys :)

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Exquisite! All the way around.

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

So good. It's all here, the songwriting, playing and singing. Wow.

Guest said

Don't really like to compare but I think for me this is right up there with the best of your music.

Guest said

So gorgeous! Lovely one boys! Bethan

Guest said

Good one.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Excellent track mate, faved.
