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First new one from me in a long time.

Kind of a love song, I guess.

Recorded in my new “studio” (3rd bedroom in the new house). Almost up and running now… shine and don’t stop wondering!

Shine - A A J Russe

On my way
To bring you comfort
I found a girl
At the side of the road
She seemed hurt
And obviously suffering
So I stopped
I don’t know why

Shine she said
And don’t stop wondering
And don’t let go

She might have been somebody’s daughter
She might have been somebody’s wife

I wiped the tears
And bought her coffee
And held her hand
I watched the fire
Slowly dying
Held her tight
As it passed away

And don’t stop wondering
Please don’t let go

She might have been somebody’s daughter
She might have been somebody’s wife

It made me think
How much I love you
I know how much
But does it show?
Can you feel
My arms around you?
Or is your fire
Dying slow?

Shine she said
And don’t stop wondering
Do not let go

So I will try to keep on wondering
I will shine
And not let go

Copyright (c) 2012 A A J Russe. All Rights Reserved

sammymann123's avatar
sammymann123 said

So damn good...So it's gigging at the Quay..Truthfully how many took the dive in and yelled back, come on in, it's warm as fuck!

runa's avatar
runa said

Real magic

Radio Roswell's avatar
Radio Roswell said

Incredible production and mix. I hear some Three Dog Night influence.

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Not enough is made of your talent for musical arrangement as it's taken for granted in the shadow of your vox. You have such a huge talent, Russe. More please.

informal grae's avatar
informal grae said

Just Chillin' to your music - much appreciating some fine music, singing and great songs. G:) Thanks, A

Guest said

Really beautiful cover of 'whiter shade of pale'. Cracking vocal.

SKEEN's avatar
SKEEN said

...and great words and story telling!

SKEEN's avatar
SKEEN said

Great track Andrew...downloading now! Thanks for your continued support and kind words. Very nicely produced your stuff is.

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Oh yeah..dig! Terrific track! k&w

Howard R Music's avatar
Howard R Music said

Great tune. Think I'll snag this one for my collection.

galinka-music7's avatar
galinka-music7 said

Very nice song...I take it...will listen again))

issleneandleo's avatar
issleneandleo said

great track. Love it.

Paul Lisney's avatar
Paul Lisney said

This is really good - nice production and a catchty melody. Thanks also for listening to my own songs and taking the time to comment. Paul

OHHO's avatar
OHHO said

great song!

Guest said

Good song! Best thing of my day so far, well except for 'I Like This Girl'!

Guest said

D'ya know, this is such a great song and performance.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Like. So clean.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Don't know how I missed this one. I'll second Tess' comment, WOW.... "Shine" hits the mark!

Guest said

I Really Like This One.The Acoustic Guitars Are So Crisp And Clean

JR James's avatar
JR James said

That be some good production right there. Dag nabit! I enjoy the different looks of the verse sections as the progresses. And the big vocal harmonies...I thought that ac gtr lick was gonna fly off into django territory.....always fun listening to your tunes. I learn something everytime.

CMOR's avatar
CMOR said

This is a very intoxicating flavor, between the melody and the music and the content... Great job!

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Good song all around. All the instruments interact well and the recording is clean. You have a great soulful tone to your voice.

rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Nice groove. Ever heard any Fred Eaglesmith? Backing reminds me of his band - a very good thing in my world!

Guest said

Let's not mince our words here. WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW. Astonishingly pro - very shiny indeed! I can't believe I missed it.

Guest said

Oh, it's lovely Andrew! Really great vocal and I love the tempo. Sort of jogs along!

Les's avatar
Les said

Love your voice! Nice arrangement

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Very much enjoyed!Good to hear a new one up from you! Good luck on the new studio!

stoman's avatar
stoman said

Every time I think you won't be able to top what you've already done you prove that you actually can. I love the sound of this song - needless to mention your voice and songwriting. Good to hear something new from you, Andy! Keep them coming! Regards, Steffen

dobrodaddy's avatar
dobrodaddy said

GREAT song, Andy! Excellent lyrics, melody and instrumentation. Man, you've got a heluva vox! Love that touch of gypsy guitar! Very well done! DD

Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Everything about this is wonderful :)

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Who can resist a walking rythm .......great vocal....I'm shining...thanks

Guest said

Oh yeah,top class piece of work

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

From about 1st 1.28 seconds I was hooked. The vibe is Just right for me (listening on laptop speakers and the song is filling the room!) .... Just the right amount of quirk to spiral that roots sound into the stratosphere! I love how you have the Reggae, Gypsy and Rock merged into one amazing showcase of Talent that cant help but shine! If you are ever in London, Let me know and we will do a Vodcast for you. Peace T

Guest said

