Vegetable Man's listening history

drakonis's avatar
This original melody idea was jotted down in October 2003 in Harmony Assistant, and I had written it thinking that someday I'd make it a real song with lyrics. While playing the tune on the computer, my daughter came in and said she liked it…
glu's avatar
Happy Sunday Alonetoner's. I wrote this song yesterday as I had some recent events to ponder.... I hope you like it. Trying for a bit of a bluesy feel. If you'd like to download it and add some background blues bass or guitar, or harmonies…
moschell's avatar
A rough demo version of a new song.
tim mcfate's avatar
in my head i am wondering in the desert and the night sky is so full of pregnant stars the world outside is so fertile and i feel so fertile too i know in my heart you are fertile too i feel so far from home now i feel so far from…
Gumbo's avatar
Accompanied by Jim Bouchard on Slide Guitar, this is "the way my people does". The unsung heroes.
Breaking Light's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
Sam was a very articulate and kind friend; he spend way too much of his life in a wheel chair and yet demonstrated a lot of grace. We lost him just over a year ago. Among many other unexpected, Christ-like kindnesses, he realized at one point…
TheRoyalrey's avatar
yahondu's avatar
Vocals and percussion are courtesy of another recent alonetoner, K. Scot Sparks. While recording a simple guitar track in Kev's garage, things got intersting when we opened the garage door, and let the sounds of this huge flock of birds in the…
Colin Garvey's avatar
A cautionary tale. Tune shamelessly stolen from "All About You" by McFly.