Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
electric mandolin on 3 tracks - 2 bowed (right and left) with viola bow and 1 strummed just a bit and mostly ebowed (center) Washburn bass voice with effects drum loops sliced and diced
Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

it's one of these songs you'd wish they'd go on and on.. most excellent!

vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
launched's avatar
launched said

Badass!! Feverish playing - I love it. This will suffer many, many listens from me - So glad it's a 320K mp3. Norm, you rocked it, too - Brilliant percussion that is not overdone and fits in perfectly!

vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Damn! That guitar work is as raw and tortured sounding as it gets. Very cool! I'm gonna go rub some salt in an open wound now!

vaisvil's avatar
The last piece I improvised this past weekend for my dad and the residents who wanted to listen.
dAb's avatar
dAb said


vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
Guest said

Rrrrrrr!!!!! You're a growly lover! Buddy would be proud. :-) This is the definitive AT cover, guys. Chris's vision, as it should be! Nice one!

vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Gritty, raw, cool Tramp tribute. I think the fretless guitar is excellent. perc matches the raw feel.

vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
Al's left hand's avatar
Al's left hand said

There's certainly a kernel of something really good here. I'll stay tuned!

vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
Guest said

The story cracked me up. Your fretless guitar would be perfect for slide guitar, i'm learning slide some now , easy to do basic style but hard to be great at it as are all things. Great vocal on this tune,i'm impressed.

vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Badass, yawl. I can attest BG is microtonal having seen him, his strings bends are often slightly sharp, an amazing gtrist when he wants to be.

vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
Guest said

I'm digging this raw riff, actually the whole piece is raw...nice!

vaisvil's avatar
We went to visit my dad at his assisted living facility and they have a Yamaha Clavinova on which I improvised for a half hour to provide some entertainment. This is a ~ 3 minute excerpt from about half way through. This was recorded on my Zoom…
Billy Jack's avatar
Billy Jack said

Nice tune, sounds like Jimmy Page material

vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Here it is baby: This is your best vocal work ever... not nearly as sexy as the sister's rendition (and I love the shock value of a girl singing this one – I really hope that gem gets posted too) but your enthusiasm is infectious and it brings me joy to hear you torturing your fretless guitar. Was that a bit of a laugh I heard at one point? Well, it works for you. Call me country… Trap set? We don’t need no stinking trap sets. Tambourine, cajón and cymbals.

vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Everything I like. Distorted guitars, solid bass line, serious percussion, Hardly a train wreck Sir. It rocks.

vaisvil's avatar
electric mandolin on 3 tracks - 2 bowed (right and left) with viola bow and 1 strummed just a bit and mostly ebowed (center) Washburn bass voice with effects drum loops sliced and diced
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Perfect ending!!

vaisvil's avatar
electric mandolin on 3 tracks - 2 bowed (right and left) with viola bow and 1 strummed just a bit and mostly ebowed (center) Washburn bass voice with effects drum loops sliced and diced
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Damn, you parked this one right in between the flats and sharps. There's a lot to listen to.

vaisvil's avatar
The last piece I improvised this past weekend for my dad and the residents who wanted to listen.
Norm's avatar
Norm said

If I lived closer to you, I would drag a couple conga drums along and join you at the retirement facility! Very honorable!

vaisvil's avatar
The last piece I improvised this past weekend for my dad and the residents who wanted to listen.
launched's avatar
launched said

I love that you take the time to entertain people who may not otherwise get the opportunity. And a fine performance too!

vaisvil's avatar
The last piece I improvised this past weekend for my dad and the residents who wanted to listen.
Guest said

Recorded great for live , well done.

vaisvil's avatar
The last piece I improvised this past weekend for my dad and the residents who wanted to listen.
Guest said

The residents are really lucky to have your dad with them - look at the perks they get.

vaisvil's avatar
The last piece I improvised this past weekend for my dad and the residents who wanted to listen.
Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

nice sound, nice improvisation! thank you Vaisvil
