Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
An abuse of Brian Bazeley's Keeping the Peace by Norm Harris and myself.
Guest said

I really dig that helmet you're wearing!

vaisvil's avatar
An abuse of Brian Bazeley's Keeping the Peace by Norm Harris and myself.
Guest said

that's it alright! That's the magical Purple Kush.

vaisvil's avatar
An abuse of Brian Bazeley's Keeping the Peace by Norm Harris and myself.
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Very inventive. Love it! w;-)

vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece Norm and I collaborated on last year. We hope you will enjoy it. two improvised 12 string guitar lines bass line ( I took a few takes) improvised piano Norm's percussion in Tumbao rhythm
Guest said

Gypsy lace comes to mind. Beautiful rich sounds!

vaisvil's avatar
An abuse of Brian Bazeley's Keeping the Peace by Norm Harris and myself.
Guest said

Pretty cool! Great sounds here!

vaisvil's avatar
An abuse of Brian Bazeley's Keeping the Peace by Norm Harris and myself.
Guest said


vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece Norm and I collaborated on last year. We hope you will enjoy it. two improvised 12 string guitar lines bass line ( I took a few takes) improvised piano Norm's percussion in Tumbao rhythm
Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

so nice.. feels like a gentle summer breeze! and another great collab..

vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece Norm and I collaborated on last year. We hope you will enjoy it. two improvised 12 string guitar lines bass line ( I took a few takes) improvised piano Norm's percussion in Tumbao rhythm
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, over the top and off the chart (what ever that means), this music creates a wonderful feeling,, it walks in beauty as the Navajo might say (my apologizes to any real such persons,, i am currently on a tony hillerman kick) well done friends R

vaisvil's avatar
An abuse of Brian Bazeley's Keeping the Peace by Norm Harris and myself.
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

this is an amazing work,, a standout (at least my opinion) amonst your many many fine pieces... as Alister says it is well balanced,, and oh so interesting,, the fade in and out of the guitar and ? is very very brilliant, it really pulls you in,,, well well done R

vaisvil's avatar
An abuse of Brian Bazeley's Keeping the Peace by Norm Harris and myself.
Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

very good work and sound

vaisvil's avatar
An abuse of Brian Bazeley's Keeping the Peace by Norm Harris and myself.
Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

excellent.. it goes in so many directions and yet so well balanced all the way! great collab'!

vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece Norm and I collaborated on last year. We hope you will enjoy it. two improvised 12 string guitar lines bass line ( I took a few takes) improvised piano Norm's percussion in Tumbao rhythm
launched's avatar
launched said

Still beautiful!

vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece Norm and I collaborated on last year. We hope you will enjoy it. two improvised 12 string guitar lines bass line ( I took a few takes) improvised piano Norm's percussion in Tumbao rhythm
Guest said


vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece Norm and I collaborated on last year. We hope you will enjoy it. two improvised 12 string guitar lines bass line ( I took a few takes) improvised piano Norm's percussion in Tumbao rhythm
corbinSound's avatar
corbinSound said

verry nice love the guitar

vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece Norm and I collaborated on last year. We hope you will enjoy it. two improvised 12 string guitar lines bass line ( I took a few takes) improvised piano Norm's percussion in Tumbao rhythm
Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Wow... REALLY nice!

vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece Norm and I collaborated on last year. We hope you will enjoy it. two improvised 12 string guitar lines bass line ( I took a few takes) improvised piano Norm's percussion in Tumbao rhythm
Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said


vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece Norm and I collaborated on last year. We hope you will enjoy it. two improvised 12 string guitar lines bass line ( I took a few takes) improvised piano Norm's percussion in Tumbao rhythm
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Still fresh!

vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece that uses MOTU Ethno 2. All but percussion and voice were performed my Fender Mustang and midi recorded via Roland GR-20. The piece uses the Almak tuning included in Ethno 2. [Amlak recurrent sequence (x^2 = x + 1/3), as a matrix…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

very nice,, that sequence is a transcendental equation no?,, very cool,, you never cease to amaze me

vaisvil's avatar
This is a little piece dedicated to the lost world island of Socotra that grabs a lot of instrumentation from across Asia with little discrimination - the melodic instruments use Afshari with the exception of the Jaw harps which use 9-tET Sorog.
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said


vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece that uses MOTU Ethno 2. All but percussion and voice were performed my Fender Mustang and midi recorded via Roland GR-20. The piece uses the Almak tuning included in Ethno 2. [Amlak recurrent sequence (x^2 = x + 1/3), as a matrix…
Backyard Ghost's avatar
Backyard Ghost said

Puts The A In Avante Garde!
