Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
Mimlitsch, Kavin, Cadman
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Spooky good

vaisvil's avatar
a long time ago I often collaborated with an immensely talented composer from France, Alister Flint - this is one of our collaborations. Been years since I've heard from him. He's been missed.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Excellent collab Chris with a taste of floyd in there

vaisvil's avatar
Desirea tells Reg the truth, love was just an illusion as she leaves him flat...
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

excellent soundscaoe.....Poor old Reg

vaisvil's avatar
I'm not responsible for your reaction.
fabiokeiner's avatar
fabiokeiner said

mr. vaisvil, genialissimo! soon I'll try to release an entire album made of your humbecker-winmdharp-samples - but maybe at bandcamp in flac. you're a master in your microtonal skills & arts!

vaisvil's avatar
Jason H. Austin's avatar
Jason H. Austin said

im behind fudgetusk 100% on this one

vaisvil's avatar
why are sea slugs so colorful?
Jason H. Austin's avatar
Jason H. Austin said

this made me hungry.thanks.

vaisvil's avatar An animated score is below. Ironicly this is scored for a quintet - piano, guitar, bass, sax, and drums. Probably one of the more famous 5/4 time songs.
irok's avatar
irok said

Love this tune, kudos :)

vaisvil's avatar An animated score is below. Ironicly this is scored for a quintet - piano, guitar, bass, sax, and drums. Probably one of the more famous 5/4 time songs.
Guest said

Awesome, love this tune :)

vaisvil's avatar
17 and 12
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Delightful :)

vaisvil's avatar
because tardigrades are cool and look a lot friendlier than Guild navigators
funkomatt's avatar
funkomatt said

This is fabulously astral compositions. I could watch the sky at night while listening to this

vaisvil's avatar
Tettigoniidae in Overtones is scored for two Audio Damage Quanta synthesizer, tamtam, two triangles, glockenspiel, snare drum, bass drum, two tamborines, plucked psaltery and french horn all in harmonic series tuning. The synthesizers are purposely…
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Some really astoundingly beautiful movements and moments :)

vaisvil's avatar
because tardigrades are cool and look a lot friendlier than Guild navigators
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Very cinematic. Suspenseful :)

vaisvil's avatar
Sorry guys...
reddragon's avatar
reddragon said

Dig it!

vaisvil's avatar
This needs Phantasm777 drums or Norm's percussion, sadly neither are likely to happen.
reddragon's avatar
reddragon said

Nice take on this!

vaisvil's avatar
track 1
reddragon's avatar
reddragon said

Oooh I like the slight dissonance! Creates great tension.

vaisvil's avatar
composed by Marji Gere violin Marji Gere kalimba Dan Sedgwick vocal Ryan Stickney fipple pipe Elizabeth Adams The video below is the "official" video for the July concert from which this performance is taken. The larger August concert video…
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Very nice! and intriguing :)

vaisvil's avatar
There can be no objections
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Atmospheric. Lovely chill ambient with cool ebow.

vaisvil's avatar
Guitar and Bass
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Fat bass sound :)

vaisvil's avatar
A bit of anarchist blues
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Groovy track! :) Big sound and cool feel

vaisvil's avatar
There can be no objections
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Loving the glassy tones :) Nice ebow work. Moody. Nice ambient
