i never want to see Desirea again.....she's hurt me for the last time....thanks Chris & Norm for getting her out of my system once and for all..............
I hijacked Norbert Oldani's excellent piano improvisation and add some guitar to it.
His original is here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5150711/PianoI911.mp3
Killer Chris. It should be played on a rooftop, really loud into the streets below. Kind of like the solo in "the crow"...just not as cheesy ...and in 19 edo ;)
I salivated over this $3,500 guitar last night. I had the "expensive guitar room" at Guitar Center to myself so I played and recorded on my zoom H2. Yes, this is guitar p0rn...
I salivated over this $3,500 guitar last night. I had the "expensive guitar room" at Guitar Center to myself so I played and recorded on my zoom H2. Yes, this is guitar p0rn...
I hijacked Norbert Oldani's excellent piano improvisation and add some guitar to it.
His original is here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5150711/PianoI911.mp3
I hijacked Norbert Oldani's excellent piano improvisation and add some guitar to it.
His original is here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5150711/PianoI911.mp3
I salivated over this $3,500 guitar last night. I had the "expensive guitar room" at Guitar Center to myself so I played and recorded on my zoom H2. Yes, this is guitar p0rn...
I salivated over this $3,500 guitar last night. I had the "expensive guitar room" at Guitar Center to myself so I played and recorded on my zoom H2. Yes, this is guitar p0rn...
I salivated over this $3,500 guitar last night. I had the "expensive guitar room" at Guitar Center to myself so I played and recorded on my zoom H2. Yes, this is guitar p0rn...
This is an improvisation I did live on ustream - but the audio quality was horrific - fortunately I had recorded everything in Sonar so I used Sony Vegas to make this into something listenable. Since the frame rate was messed up (you can see…
Playing guitar while watching a storm come in on weather radar.
Fernandes guitar with the sustainor pickup system. It's like an ebow for all the strings at once! Loads of fun :)
Playing guitar while watching a storm come in on weather radar.
Fernandes guitar with the sustainor pickup system. It's like an ebow for all the strings at once! Loads of fun :)
This is an invitation, with instructions, on how any AT musician can hop a train in the US and get to my house for a jam session. Figured the lyrics needed to mention all 3 of the collaborating musicians home towns cuz they all run along these…
I asked JohnnyRobbo from over on the Cool-lab to do the backer for this one as our next Collab together and he's done an outstanding job on it ...I had the easy bit adding the words...Hope you enjoy this Led Zep classic......
All this Big Brother is getting a bit much for Reg............so he's got to thinking... O,O!!.... So here's a bit of a noodling folkyPsychodelic thing in Protest at our loss of freedom and where the future may lie......who's to blame?..........
Reg is leaving in the morning...there's a great big world out there to see....Acoustic & Voice trying to play that Bb Harp.........
I can’t play it safe (Lyrics
i can hear you say you want to play it safe
but i’ve got dreams i want to…
Reg is leaving in the morning...there's a great big world out there to see....Acoustic & Voice trying to play that Bb Harp.........
I can’t play it safe (Lyrics
i can hear you say you want to play it safe
but i’ve got dreams i want to…
damn, I'm floored. This is perfect and you are becoming an incredible song writer. All the right stuff in all of the right places - its that special sound man, you got it! Knock 'em dead!
I've been sent to the cellar by the wife as she has a visitor...bad luck hey!...so i got the acoustic down of the wall and even tried a little harmonica...hope you enjoy........
Over the Hills and far away (Lyrics)
over the hills and far away…
Just a little cover tune I did in preparation for last year's live RPM Challenge album "Letters."
Nylon string Yamaha travel guitar, vocals, and one mic... Missed notes and all.
we all have cover a Pink Floyd song at some point, and the only way to cover a perfect song is to make it completely different. Deep down, I think everyone was hoping the wall was not too high, and the song could end on a happy note of breaking…
This is one of my more agressive industrial-ish tunes. There's also an orchestral version done by vaisvil; it should be somewhere in his gigantic list of tracks...I'll see if I can find it and post a link.
Unfortunately, vaisvil doesn…
This is one of my more agressive industrial-ish tunes. There's also an orchestral version done by vaisvil; it should be somewhere in his gigantic list of tracks...I'll see if I can find it and post a link.
Unfortunately, vaisvil doesn…
I heard Vaisvil's Track earlier and had a bit of time so i thought i'd add a vocal....so thanks Chris for letting me play.........
Drama in the cheap Hotel room 52 (Lyrics)
I’m in room 52
and i honestly don’t know what to do
you’ve taken…
lots of different things I tried in this one, mostly in structure and vox, as well as harmony and texture. I guess it is a progressive type song with some gloom.
the intro is a short bass thing with effects called nectar, its like 25 sec.s…
Comments on vaisvil's stuff
Reg has some of the best advise regarding "hate" that I have heard for awhile. Don't be a hater!
i never want to see Desirea again.....she's hurt me for the last time....thanks Chris & Norm for getting her out of my system once and for all..............
Pure escapism! Very wonderful, gentlemen!
Wow guys, that was great!
How have you done those Drums Chris ?
I think I know those girls :)
Conjures up fabulous images, and reminds me of my student days. :)
An original enjoyed the contrast between the instruments and both well played.....bravo
Oh dear, what a sorry sight! The very bassy notes at the end are emotive, they are like hopelessness.
Killer Chris. It should be played on a rooftop, really loud into the streets below. Kind of like the solo in "the crow"...just not as cheesy ...and in 19 edo ;)
sweet guitar, sounds like it was tuned in G.
**Don't pull the frets off of this one, Chris!**
Very original. :) And yes, great playing.
19 edo sounds very melodious to me. Nice work!
Great playing mate very cool.
Ehat is one full sound , i love it Rob
In my half-century, I don't recall ever seeing this kind of string configuration. I'm gettin' excited. Great porn.
I want one :)
Wow! is that a Fender Jazzmaster?? Nice. They (Fender) say Jazzmaster players are the movers of music.
Stunning arrangement!
Comments made by vaisvil
Beautiful Bruce!
I agree with Kavin
Easily gets "one of the best of AT" awards! Awesome song!
oh yeah - this superb!
Thank you so much for singing on this! Man you have a good voice!
is true that in Minnesota the ice never complete melts, it just get s a green cover in summer for a few weeks? lovely video and music guys!
downloaded for posterity...
damn, I'm floored. This is perfect and you are becoming an incredible song writer. All the right stuff in all of the right places - its that special sound man, you got it! Knock 'em dead!
great vocals and lyrics - wonderful guitar work! and the harp too!
beautiful Keith, just beautiful. I love Indigo Girls and this is so on the money.
just give your phone a bath - that will do it!
on a roll!
this is a cool take on this. its like pink flyod version from the period they were doing movie sounds tracks.
I do say it seems you've added a great deal more Tension since the last revision I heard.
Always loved this song! Here is the CSO version http://alonetone.com/vaisvil/tracks/tension-acoustic-orchestral
I love what you did with it!
cool - very convincing orchestration and production!
wow - this is excellent! your production skills are getting really good!