Comments on Andrew Russe's stuff

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) I was asked (told?) to upload something happy. Hmmm, I thought. This will end well... So, a few days later, I was rehearsing a pleasant little thing I wrote several years ago that has a working title of "She Was…
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

You can't do that to kittens! :o Other than that - magnificence :)

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

wow!!!! Your voice is just epic!!! I love the pacing of this song. It makes me want to know all the backstory about Edith. An instant fav...

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
Robert James's avatar
Robert James said

Love the slide! What a great song. No one warns us that vowel sounds matter when writing lyrics, but you nailed it.

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
witzelsucht's avatar
witzelsucht said

Brilliant ...

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
sammymann123's avatar
sammymann123 said

So very cool. Not my place, but I wish the outro was also the intro. I like what I like. I liked that very much.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Well, I'm almost on a roll now - this little love song was written, arranged, and recorded in just a week. I've been meaning to attempt something like this for years, just never got round to it. I'd actually settled down to finally record a…
sammymann123's avatar
sammymann123 said

Really really good. I thank you.

Andrew Russe's avatar
A new one... I wrote it on 5th February, and managed to record it in less than a month (a head-cold and lack of hearing in one ear slowed the last lap somewhat). But seeing as the last one took over 8 months, I think I'm already ahead for…
sammymann123's avatar
sammymann123 said

Great song perfectly executed.

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
KCsGroove's avatar
KCsGroove said

Dig it right from the first note cool work on the slide you know how to write to song :-) KC

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Shed Sounds said

Wow! Fantastic work - Loving the bass work 👏

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

THAT SLIDE IS TO DIE FOR, CRY FOR OH MY. Brass on strings my fav

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Cool song, great slide work!

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
montgomeru's avatar
montgomeru said

Great track!

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Wonderful medley of tones weaving in and out. Love it! That slide is captivating.

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Oh yes Andrew .... Epic ..... Dark ..... Love it.

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

That’s a real energetic Edith at the beginning of the verse she certainly gets it ...loving it ....nice solo ....

Andrew Russe's avatar
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009. I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in. The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Do love a golden oldie, great song, as I record on a Boss, we love Mr. Boss : ) And yes could be on any Family album ..... are you sure you're not Roger .....

Andrew Russe's avatar
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009. I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in. The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Another quality recording from the broom cupboard

Andrew Russe's avatar
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009. I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in. The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Excellent writing. The key modulation grabs me in that sweet spot

Andrew Russe's avatar
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009. I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in. The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Outstanding song and message!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Electric blues. Recorded 2007. I was learning how to use my DAW and trying to figure out how a one-man-band could get to sound like a bunch of old bluesers in a sweaty bar... ***** **Rabbit Boy - A A J Russe** Well she don't mind crying…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Dance music!! Love it.
