Acoustic ghost story. Recorded 2010.
Easter 2010 I decided…
Acoustic tale of revenge. Recorded 2010 on a Boss BR1600CD.
**The Knife - A A J Russe**
A dark and star-less night
Probably driving rain
That's what they think became of me
A foolish walk along the cliff when he was drunk…
Acoustic tale of revenge. Recorded 2010 on a Boss BR1600CD.
**The Knife - A A J Russe**
A dark and star-less night
Probably driving rain
That's what they think became of me
A foolish walk along the cliff when he was drunk…
GONE - My sequester song...
Chain wrapped around the dog park gate
Weeds growing on the school yard lawn
Where has everybody gone
The chairs are stacked
And the stage is dusty
And my strings are getting rusty...
(C) Royal T Music
GONE - My sequester song...
Chain wrapped around the dog park gate
Weeds growing on the school yard lawn
Where has everybody gone
The chairs are stacked
And the stage is dusty
And my strings are getting rusty...
(C) Royal T Music
This is the Sinner's Prayer or the Jesus Prayer sung in Latin. I have an acoustic version uploaded and this version a cappella. I've sung this in the key of F, one step lower than the acoustic version.
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy…
Fresh breeze on Lake Superior
And waves collide with the shore
The sailor must be watching
For gusting wind we can’t ignore
Loose the main, correct the healing
Point the bow to the wind
Recognize the peaceful feeling
In this sacred…
You know this story the apple tree, the snake.
it takes Hope and latin drums to kill a snake
don't leave home without your hand drum and you will thrive
Wow. Amazing track. Starts all fairytale-like, then it evolves into something entirely different - can't make my mind up whether it's threatening or "hey let's party whether you like it or not"... but it's certainly insistent... And then I'm back home to fairytale land... but I feel slightly changed and not quite the innocent I was before... The tinkly little theme that I enticed me earlier sounds a little more sinister now.
Overall this one seems okay to me. The performance is pretty awful, but this song is all right. I don't like the transition from the first hook into the first verse. It feels awkward, but the second time seems better. Weird. Is it just a…
Cool chorus on this one... but you're right there's something... It really shines later on after the bridge- I like the interaction between the vocal, bass and guitar - really bounces. But earlier it doesn't have the same effect and I can't really spot the difference - except the later one is surrounded by instrumental and maybe feels looser? The earlier ones feel a bit "held back" and "correct", and they don't draw attention to themselves like the later one. They also leads straight into and out of a verse section that doesn't sound a lot different - maybe you're right, maybe volume? Maybe take the drums down on the sung verses? Something to make the chorus stick out more? But yeah, this is a cool one.
The desert heat can twist a mode as the ears suffer a mirage .
Twist twisted spin in the heat your senses are turned senselessly swirling octaves high
Made possible by Gibson’s brilliant P - 90 ‘s
Another voyage out into the unknown with my newly acquired guitar that I'm learning to play... The first part reminds me a bit of 'Will You' by Hazel O'Connor...
Lyrically it starts quite bleakly but goes on a bit of journey, ending on a positive…
Here's a new song.
Just me...
I've been callin' your number – I was so alone
I've been callin' all night long – You didn't pick up your phone
I want to hear you whisper – Sweet things in my ear…
DJチーズ2600 approached So?ing Machine with some song seeds. Their care instructions involved atypical rituals. Once performed, songs rapidly sprouted forth. (This is one of them. You must sit and listen.) Then a guy in a suit leaned out of a helicopter…
I agree with Guest ( - "you're not done with this one" - I think there's another version, somewhere between the original and this one. It's a gorgeous song.
Capo @ 5 in C
Like beavers and willows
Bats and mosquitos
F) Toad C) frogs and F) flies (G
DA DA - E Am G C
Algae and oil spills
Shovels and coal hills
Black holes…
Comments on Andrew Russe's stuff
What a sad tale. I love your voice and your diction is perfect.
Andrew, welcome to Alonetone. Oh love your sound. Man, you're really good. A little gruesome lyrically,but brilliantly well performed.
Great tune.
Comments made by Andrew Russe
Mrs R has pointed out that she knows of at least two other Londons... and that it might not be obvious I mean London UK!
Like it. Love this: "stage is dusty / my strings are getting rusty". We had to look up corn hole, though, doesn't get played a lot in South London...
I started with the comment "allotropic"... but having listened to it, and let it wash over me, that seems a bit flippant now...
I love this version.
LOVE those sounds.
Oh yeah, smooth sounds.
And this gives me some release - but not loads! I was going to ask if it's an ebow, but it's not is it? Sounds like a real bow?
I find this one a slightly more challenging listen!
This one follows Hopey Changey really well
I listened to these the other day while I was doing something else... I forgot to come back and comment. This is a gorgeous sound.
Wow. Amazing track. Starts all fairytale-like, then it evolves into something entirely different - can't make my mind up whether it's threatening or "hey let's party whether you like it or not"... but it's certainly insistent... And then I'm back home to fairytale land... but I feel slightly changed and not quite the innocent I was before... The tinkly little theme that I enticed me earlier sounds a little more sinister now.
Cool chorus on this one... but you're right there's something... It really shines later on after the bridge- I like the interaction between the vocal, bass and guitar - really bounces. But earlier it doesn't have the same effect and I can't really spot the difference - except the later one is surrounded by instrumental and maybe feels looser? The earlier ones feel a bit "held back" and "correct", and they don't draw attention to themselves like the later one. They also leads straight into and out of a verse section that doesn't sound a lot different - maybe you're right, maybe volume? Maybe take the drums down on the sung verses? Something to make the chorus stick out more? But yeah, this is a cool one.
Foot-tapping and exotic. Loving those p90 vibes.
Oh yeah, nice one.
Aha! Can't beat a falling bass line (I'm working on several things at the moment, and they've all got falling bass lines) ... Nice one, like it.
Intriguing sounds, quite a ride.
I agree with Guest ( - "you're not done with this one" - I think there's another version, somewhere between the original and this one. It's a gorgeous song.
And a new verse! I listened to all three versions again - this is the one (which is probably a good thing, as it's the latest!!)
Oh yeah, I remember this from the other day on songcrafters. Love it.
Oh yeah, gorgeous sounds.