Comments on another cultural landslide's stuff

another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
OHHO's avatar
OHHO said

Listening to this always gives me a smile!

another cultural landslide's avatar
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Coasting down the rockies today and this song came on for the rest of the ride down. Such a cool ,mesmerizing tune. Purrrrfect

another cultural landslide's avatar
A further march down the road in acl's evolution - and one of the many directions we've been dying to get to... it's, ummm, water-y. (And this song is especially dedicated to J Wentz.)
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

This is great why did I not hear this before. Brilliant.

another cultural landslide's avatar
This is really a true story. No, really... And our holiday gift to you & your friends. (Feel free to download it and share it with anyone who you think might enjoy it.) Oh... by the way... acl is finally waking from a very deep slumber…
Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

one of the all time faves "this kid's got one helluva grip!"

another cultural landslide's avatar
This is really a true story. No, really... And our holiday gift to you & your friends. (Feel free to download it and share it with anyone who you think might enjoy it.) Oh... by the way... acl is finally waking from a very deep slumber…
lgh's avatar
lgh said

A fun romp through insanity. LG

another cultural landslide's avatar
This is really a true story. No, really... And our holiday gift to you & your friends. (Feel free to download it and share it with anyone who you think might enjoy it.) Oh... by the way... acl is finally waking from a very deep slumber…
Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Absolutely brilliant.

another cultural landslide's avatar
This is really a true story. No, really... And our holiday gift to you & your friends. (Feel free to download it and share it with anyone who you think might enjoy it.) Oh... by the way... acl is finally waking from a very deep slumber…
Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

So where's the ACL fan club? Do I need to start a chapter? HA, the Toby Keith T-shirt!!!

another cultural landslide's avatar
This one was inspired by Wen's mom; and is therefore dedicated to all those musicians doing RPM, and all musicians who toil away at home to make their music despite what their friends & co-workers might think of their efforts.
Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Well, I was introduced to this outstanding track by a couple of hyperactive rabbits and thought I should listen to the pre-bunny funk version. Outstanding track! Great work!!!

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

" I'll be whole again..." absolutely inspirational. gives me hope. so beautifully written and performed. so glad you found each other, love each other, help to heal each other. Linda Zinsmeister Mitchell

another cultural landslide's avatar
cseaperu's avatar
cseaperu said


another cultural landslide's avatar
This is really a true story. No, really... And our holiday gift to you & your friends. (Feel free to download it and share it with anyone who you think might enjoy it.) Oh... by the way... acl is finally waking from a very deep slumber…
cseaperu's avatar
cseaperu said

what about Rudolph?

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

I'm sitting here crying... Knowing the vocalist and songwriter's story makes it all the more meaningful. What a phenomenally inspirational and beautiful song of love and spirit. How I envy both your artistic abilities and the love you share...always. L

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

damn good!

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said


another cultural landslide's avatar
Demo #3. We've all been there - so we all know this conversation VERY well.
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
Jean-Luc Thomas said

Im confused, but its a good sounding song.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

So beautiful.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
Thomas F's avatar
Thomas F said

Cool journey of a song

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

Reminded me a bit of Moondog's compositions, very nice.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

Reminded me a bit of Moondog's compositions, nice. :-)

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

Just discovered this. Lovely tune!
