"Hey Motorman" was written for the 100 year celebration of the Ariel Lift Bridge.
The bridge was originally built in 1907 with a gondola that went from side to side carrying passengers and vehicles. It was later replaced with a lift system.
Here's a new song.
Just me...
I've been callin' your number – I was so alone
I've been callin' all night long – You didn't pick up your phone
I want to hear you whisper – Sweet things in my ear…
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here is the first reply to In Your Hands.
I say "first" because I've found another one, When I Try To Be Me, that Mrs R says I have to do too... but that's unlikely to be the next one I post because I'm working…
The other night I was sitting out watching a little fire in my backyard, and thinking about how useless it is to let the past dictate our present and future. This one is dedicated to all of us with relationships in our history that have no place…
Wow! Beautiful song! Better send this one to Carl.
Just to set the record straight, Yes, I played guitar and bass on this, but Colleen mixed it after we had a brainstorming session on how to do it. Nice Mix Colleen!
Like beavers and willows
Bats and mosquitos
Toad frogs and flies
Like algae and oil spills
Miners and coal hills
Black holes and light
(C) 2020 Royal T Music
(Funny song about an embarrassing moment that turned out well.)
I was making the rounds, gaining ground on this cute little brunette
In a bar in Fort Worth, Texas, one night I'll never forget
But then that bartender ruined my plans…
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
OK, let's delve once more into the magical shoebox of unused songs...
I've already recorded several that were written in 1994 (Sleeping with the Ghost, Elizabeth's Room, With Mum Again, If You Knew, A Hundred and…
This week's prompt is "DIRTY LAUNDRY"
Key C
I got a call from Russell
He had to move his Junk
He'd filled his car
He'd filled his trunk
Big black bags of Something
I said, "What's with these?"
He said…
When you're born in California
There are things you take for granted
The sunshine and the desert and
The forests, and the bears and the beaches
In the tide pools of California
In the memories of one little…
A new song
I used some older lyrics
All instruments by me
See the birds of fire
Against a blackened sky
Fences of barbed wire
Hear that freedom cry
The masters of war
They're playing their…
please check the video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyytSMYAARo
I wrote this song about my father and Dementia/Alzheimer's over a year and a half ago. We just finished the song and video, kind of surreal because Dad is in a nursing…
Poignant and well delivered message! Sorry to hear that your Dad is in a nursing facility now. There are a lot of us dealing with aging parents right now.
From what you have shared with me regarding his personality, he’s probably making friends and enjoying himself.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
Huge rain thunder and lightning storm swept thru, and right behind
a bunch of frogs serenaded us ........ Bull frogs. ...are allright
wish I had recorded their song it would fit in here
I was messing about and this came out. Thanks for listening
I get down on my knees and I pray for a day
Where we can all go outside to run and play
Take my hand and tell what you see
can you see a future, for likes…
This ones for a collaboration on Songcrafters with Kari from Finland. I heard his composition and an idea jumped into my head. So here it is. Thanks for listening
Callous smiles and whispers wake the drunk from his dream
Eyes unfocused to a…
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009.
I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in.
The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
Comments on Greg Connor's stuff
Great tune, great lyrics, great swing!
Comments made by Greg Connor
Oh yeah, great song. I really like the way your guitar sounds. By the way . . . They never called me back either.
Nice guitar playing! You got the touch Andrew!
Wow! Beautiful song! Better send this one to Carl. Just to set the record straight, Yes, I played guitar and bass on this, but Colleen mixed it after we had a brainstorming session on how to do it. Nice Mix Colleen!
Lovely, well played.
Short and sweet! An impression of a thought to be completed by the listener, maybe.
I love the ending. Everyone’s a winner.
Another keeper. I love the guitar playing. It’s one positive thing that has come out of this mess that everyone is in. Some great music is surfacing.
I’m laughing early this morning. James ...... you can write a song about anything.
Great memories. You really paint a picture.
My feet are tapping!
Rita and I both enjoyed the video. We especially liked “the good wife” singing back up. I have to say the ending really got our attention.
My feet are tapping in sultry Minnesota this morning. Thanks for taking my mind off the heat for a few minutes!
Poignant and well delivered message! Sorry to hear that your Dad is in a nursing facility now. There are a lot of us dealing with aging parents right now. From what you have shared with me regarding his personality, he’s probably making friends and enjoying himself.
Wonderful medley of tones weaving in and out. Love it! That slide is captivating.
Love the slide and the topic!
Oh yeah . . . . You are on a streak. Another good one.
Wow is the word! Impressive.
Rainy days are good for naps but they can certainly mess with your head. Good song Roger! I like the ending, “Don’t let me down”
Outstanding song and message!