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Greg Connor's Favorites

by Greg Connor



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Guilty Roses

Three dollars at the drug store
For a rose as real as life
Can’t pass the display
I want to take one to my wife
But she’s one suspicious lady
A rose herself you see

“I’m not that complicate.”
That’s what she said to me.
So, when she says, “It’s best you don’t.”
How could I disagree
She said that the rose is the devil’s flower
I guess that she should know

There’s no deciding what to take her
She leaves no room for doubt
I take her yellow M&Ms
I throw the others out

There’s poison in the sugar
The devil in the dye…
And how could candy be a tell
In this poker game of life
There’s a rose out by the drive way
I could cut it with my knife

Three dollars at the drug store
For a rose as real as life

© 2013 Royal T Music

Guest said

James, this is unusually beautiful. Great job! James Oliver in Corpus Christi

Guest said

I'm not at all sure what a "song-form context" is, but I bet it's important. On the other hand, I'm getting to this 12-13 years after the fact, so it probably doesn't matter. I kept hearing a Miles Davis muted horn wandering around in the background. JHardinStephens

Guest said

Nice work, lyrics are even poetical, but stay within a song-form context.Pretty g'tar flowing in tha background. Tha backup vocals at end are a nice fade out... c):~)

Guest said

OMG, James that's superb. Bethan

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

Shades of Tom waits ,Smile>

jip's avatar
jip said

I like the bass playing with the picking.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

This one got my attention. I especially like the line about the yellow M&Ms. I'm not sure if an award or therapy is the appropriate response. Maybe that 's why it got my attention. Now I'm pressing play again, so, here we go . . . . even better the second time. *You have originality in spades here my friend !!!*
