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by Greg Connor


Message In The Snowflakes

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I was having my share of PESS (post election stress syndrome) and headed to northern MN to shake it off and wrote this one while watching a beautiful quiet snowfall happen. I recorded it finally today on my little TASCAM that we often use around the coffee table.

Happy Holidays to everyone! I hope you enjoy the sentiment even though the recording is a bit rough.


Sitting inside with my winter blues
Watching the sky thicken
Clouding my view
When slowly from the heavens
A miracle falls
Millions of snowflakes
Unique like us all

This holiday time that holds us so dear
Should bring us together
At this time of year
Though different we are perfect
Like new fallen snow
That drops from the sky
And blankets below

There’s a message in the snowflakes
So beautiful and rare
When we see we are different
But love anyway
There is beauty beyond compare

I know I when I look at each tiny work of art
Each one so perfect they tug at my heart
I turn my eyes up –feel their kiss on my face
Each flake builds my hope for our tired human race

Can we be more like these tiny bits of ice
And cling to each other
And simply be nice
Like after the storm comes
A calm silent night
We can learn from these snowflakes
And be peaceful tonight

© 2016 Colleen Dillon All Rights Reserved

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Your voice is soft like snowflakes - what a magical track! Happy new year. :)

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Such a sweet song and message.

doktordoktor's avatar
doktordoktor said

Lovely song Colleen. Great lyrics and wonderful singing.

4barrelcarb (4BC)'s avatar
4barrelcarb (4BC) said

Very nice! love your vocals!

Ron's avatar
Ron said

love it colleen great lyrics!!

The Proods's avatar
The Proods said

I Don't want to sound like a broken record, but I like the simplicity of your first takes.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Beautiful message! I particularly like the last verse. Merry Christmas Colleen!
