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Greg Connor's Favorites

by Greg Connor


Dr. Pepsi's Death Cult Glee Club

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This song was written after I had watched a documentary about Jonestown, which featured music from their choir. They were very talented and I couldn’t help wondering if any of them had survived. I’d like to think that there were a couple of ‘em that grabbed their guitars and said, “Let’s get the heck out of here” just before things got out of hand.
I won’t be back for your birthday
and I’m pretty sure I won’t come home at all.
‘Cuz I’ve joined the local death cult
and I’m singing in the glee club there this fall.
In Dr Pepsi’s death cult glee club now…
and a church bell tolls for the poor lost souls
who never will be found.
Performing numbers everyone remembers as they
gaze up through the embers and their fires all burn out.
Is there nothing you believe in
that could not withstand a scrutinous review?
You should talk to Dr. Pepsi, ‘cuz his death cult just may be the place for you!
In Dr. Pepsi’s death cult glee club now,
and they try to please authorities who want to
shut them down.
Performing numbers everyone remembers as they
gaze up through the embers and their fires all burn out.
And I want to see you one more time
before they call us in line….baby,
no one else feels like we do…I don’t fit in,
and neither do you.
They’ll soon be serving drinks here
and the beverage cue stretches for half a mile
If we just keep them from drinking with our singing than it’s gonna be worthwhile!
In Dr. Pepsi’s death cult glee club now,
and although the room is full of gloom
we’re doing “Twist & Shout”.
Performing numbers everyone remembers as they
gaze up through the embers and their fires all burn out.
In Dr. Pepsi’s death cult glee club now,
it was 20 years ago today
Dr. Pepsi taught them all to pray.
Performing numbers everyone remembers as they
gaze up through the embers and their fires all burn out.

Guest said

~Hi Proods~

Guest said

What a darkly inspiring song! Your ability to combine whimsy and tragic imagery is wonderful!

Jason H. Austin's avatar
Jason H. Austin said

i may have to do a grindcore remix of this-iffenz thats cool

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

The DPDCG?! Very Beatle-ish Proods. complex tune ,love it.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Dick Dale @ 90 is still going strong. The Dr. is dead tho. I didn't mean for that to be public. It's obviously not finished.But thank you for listening and commenting.

Guest said

This is great!

Jason H. Austin's avatar
Jason H. Austin said

i don't much like to dance.this is making me dance.

Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

What've you guys been up to? Waitin' for some new tunes!

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

great song, fun stuff!

Jason H. Austin's avatar
Jason H. Austin said

makes me think of early mothers of invention,and that's a good thing.

Guest said

Really enjoyed This!! Ya'll are awesome!!

Sha-Pink's avatar
Sha-Pink said

This makes me want to join a death cult just to get into their glee club.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I've got no monopoly on clever... Especially like, "Is there nothing you believe in that could not withstand a scrutinous review?"

Going Up's avatar
Going Up said

I gave this a day before I decided to comment...this song is wonderfully disturbing. Your lyrics are simple but clever and they make me want to pick up the guitar and get to work!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

What an obvious subject for a fun song so many of us overlooked. Please include the lyric in your "about" section. I want to hear all the words.

Guest said

Hi Joe and Matt....good song, you've been talking about Jonestown for almost a year! Glad you could find art within the trauma!

doktordoktor's avatar
doktordoktor said

So original and different. Like the melody guys. Excellent song!

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Very creative idea for a song. I think they are all singing from the heavens now.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Now here's a cult Proods classic to be sure! Who knew Jonestown had a choir. Your creativity is awesome as always!
