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by Greg Connor


Big Dog Blues

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The old tin geetar…

Did this one sometime in 2009 on a Boss MBR. I’d recently joined what became and PJ (Wiley) posted a bass/drum track for us ubiquitous blues guitarists to solo over.

I decided to go a different route and got the resonator and slide out… While I was fiddling around with it I started trying to do a Howlin’ Wolf voice for a laugh. After I’d recorded the guitars I thought “what the hell?” and pressed record. This is what came out…

Big Dog Blues - A A J Russe

People say there’s trouble
People say there’s trouble in my home
People say there’s trouble
People say there’s trouble in my home
It’s true the last ten nights or more
I been sitting watching the curtains on my own

I hear that you been messing
That you been messing on the other side of town
I hear that you been messing
I can hear you across the other side of town
Gonna get me a big dog
And we’re gonna go and track you down

Go get her Rover

If you’re gonna do is cry
If you’re gonna do is moan
If you’re gonna do is cry
If you’re gonna do is moan
Well I’m not sure that me and Rover
Want you back in our happy home

Copyright (c) A A J Russe 2009. All Rights Reserved

KCsGroove's avatar
KCsGroove said

cool slide good blues! I like it! KC

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Well Howlin Wolf is back

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Great sound / feel

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Lovely . . . Lovely . . . Lovely . . .

joeldbrodsky18's avatar
joeldbrodsky18 said

"the sound of men beating on the devil with guitars"

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Like the bruthas on the Southside of Chi town would say, "that white boys got some stank on him" Damn that some low down blues! We need to collab on a blues. I am convinced of this.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Sorry it was the late '60's, check out 'One Way Ticket' Still love to be in your band Andy.................... What a groove ...

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Ohh yes man, reminds me of Mckenna Mendelson Mainline, from the '70's. Love it !!!!

Guest said

Oh Yeah, This is What I'm Talkin About. Got to Love The Blues.

Guest said

Well -well- well, Andrew killed me with this Howlin' wolf oil can guitar duo. Nice man. Toe curlin' blues

Guest said

Yup Sounds like howlin'Wolf Allright

dobrodaddy's avatar
dobrodaddy said

Oh Hell Yeah! That's an amazing job of writing, singing, and playing in Wolf's style. Great slide work! VERY impressive post, Andy! DD

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

Very cool. I like the groove...really relaxed. I dig. Vocal is bad ass.

Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

beautiful guitar work here

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Thanks Andrew. Glad you enjoyed the album. I was pretty happy with it for my first RPM and my first real dabble into that style of playing. I will be swinging back by to check out your tracks!

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

awesome blues tune! killer vocals and guitar.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Damn fine slide work!

Anton's avatar
Anton said

Cool blues. Slide guitar really shines.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

As Cuthbut says Tasty very Tasty........

cuthbert's avatar
cuthbert said

Tasty blues, Andy!

Guest said

Oh that's the blues alright :)

Shiny Eyes's avatar
Shiny Eyes said

This is a good song played well, and I really dig your gritty vocals! I'll have to post some of my blues stuff. It's not much different than what you're doing

Guest said

This is sweet!

Guest said

Sweet Blues! hell yea!!

Guest said

Love the slide guitar!

Guest said

Too cool!! Nice slide!

stoman's avatar
stoman said

A fine little blues. When I hear you do such vocals I'm always afraid you'll lose your voice! ;)
