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Greg Connor's Favorites

by Greg Connor


Ain't Nothin'

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I’m almost done with this last CD by Wildgeas Music.
I’m retiring to new stuff and new gear :)

I wish to give many, many thanks to Bethan, Trevor, Michael, and Chris
for helping me create this collection.

Wildgeas is history.


Ain’t Nothin

She steals the night
by light of day
She never knows her lover
til’ she’s on her way
ain’t nothing
I heard her say
She’s takin’ dollar bills
and just won’t walk away

Lady, come spend your nights with me

Seen better days
and better nights
She loves the darkness
cause it hides her from the light
ain’t nothing
I heard her say
She’s makin’ dollar bills
and just won’t walk away

Lady, come spend your nights with me

She takes her time
by no surprise
She loves her money
even when she’s in disguise
ain’t nothing
I heard her say
She’s takin’ dollar bills
and just won’t walk away

Lady, come spend your nights with me

© 2014 Lennon

Guest said

I'm comming back. Bare with me

Guest said

Thanks everyone. Inspired by Deep Purple's Strange Kind of Woman.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Yup... now this is the song in my head for the day... Love it!

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said


Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

Wildgease, you never fail to entertain. You know the art of producing a catchy tuned. Rock on!

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

I've had an ear worm since I first heard this. Absolutely crazy about this track.

Mario Pradiptacana's avatar
Mario Pradiptacana said

hey just checking out this track, really nice groove! love the acoustic strumming. it's just balance all around. the chorus really put the signature mark on this track. oh and the lead solo, it's dancing!

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

A smooth, clever, tasteful mixdown and mastering job. Very professional. A really grab-at-you groove -- Rock on!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Cool stuff there Man!

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Came back for another bite. Raunchy sweetness. Love the bvox and the counter melody in the chorus. Really great track.

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Great song!!!!!!!

Guest said

Cool stuff Geas! Ooo cheeky little song too! Bee

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Wow . . . I like this! You really have a nice grove going here.
