Comments on Keith Landry's stuff

Keith Landry's avatar
My contribution to this year's RPM Kitchen Challenge. Very silly. Well, can’t you see the baby’s crawling And pulling up all by herself I can’t imagine what will be falling When she climbs up on the shelf See how much she likes to…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Nice original song Keith! Great lyrics. I like the tapping on the bottle too.

Keith Landry's avatar
My contribution to this year's RPM Kitchen Challenge. Very silly. Well, can’t you see the baby’s crawling And pulling up all by herself I can’t imagine what will be falling When she climbs up on the shelf See how much she likes to…
sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

Nice fun track.

Keith Landry's avatar
My contribution to this year's RPM Kitchen Challenge. Very silly. Well, can’t you see the baby’s crawling And pulling up all by herself I can’t imagine what will be falling When she climbs up on the shelf See how much she likes to…
Guest said

Hahaha, super fun - super inventive! The percussion is absolutely delightful! Great challenge, great outcome!

Keith Landry's avatar
My contribution to this year's RPM Kitchen Challenge. Very silly. Well, can’t you see the baby’s crawling And pulling up all by herself I can’t imagine what will be falling When she climbs up on the shelf See how much she likes to…
Guest said

What fun improvised percussion. The lyric is so true, it takes me back!

Keith Landry's avatar
My contribution to this year's RPM Kitchen Challenge. Very silly. Well, can’t you see the baby’s crawling And pulling up all by herself I can’t imagine what will be falling When she climbs up on the shelf See how much she likes to…
Guest said

Ha, Made me smile as to the truth of the matter. Oh the glass rythum and pencil shows real father inventiveness

Keith Landry's avatar
So after hearing some of Stephen Krell's outstanding picking, I asked him if he'd like to play along with any of my songs... I can't be happier with the one he picked to add his banjo to (seeing as how the song is written about my favorite Pete…
02bfree's avatar
02bfree said

Nothing beats a well written song.

Keith Landry's avatar
After writing this song about our newly adopted dog, I asked Kavin if he like to play some slide guitar, knowing that he would come up with something terrific... I just had no idea how terrific. Bandit rides in the back of my truck A big…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

How did i not fav this before.....

Keith Landry's avatar
Just a rough version of a song I plan to record properly during this coming February's RPM Challenge. EDUCATION REALITY CHECK I work with children every morning Check their progress every night I'm an expert with technology And interactive…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Outstand Lyrics! Keith .... You really hit the mark!

Keith Landry's avatar
A slightly destructive children's song... But I suspect that many of you have tried some of the things mentioned. I have a great idea up in my head Let's try it out this afternoon We'll tie the dog up to the sled Pretend we're launching…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

HA! Great stuff man!

Keith Landry's avatar
Just a rough version of a song I plan to record properly during this coming February's RPM Challenge. EDUCATION REALITY CHECK I work with children every morning Check their progress every night I'm an expert with technology And interactive…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

Such a great song.. admirable ethic. a clear favourite. makes me wish I'd had the guts to stick out teaching as a career! Who knows, maybe I'll go back to it when I 'grow up' :)

Keith Landry's avatar
So after hearing some of Stephen Krell's outstanding picking, I asked him if he'd like to play along with any of my songs... I can't be happier with the one he picked to add his banjo to (seeing as how the song is written about my favorite Pete…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

bloody brilliant!

Keith Landry's avatar
So after hearing some of Stephen Krell's outstanding picking, I asked him if he'd like to play along with any of my songs... I can't be happier with the one he picked to add his banjo to (seeing as how the song is written about my favorite Pete…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

What a Song!!! "Circles and Seasons" Speaking my Language bro! I love your lyrics man! And this whole thing sounds sublime! A real treat!!

Keith Landry's avatar
Just a rough version of a song I plan to record properly during this coming February's RPM Challenge. EDUCATION REALITY CHECK I work with children every morning Check their progress every night I'm an expert with technology And interactive…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Dude... This a modern day Dylan track..... Not heard a protest song like this yet about our times that hits home as hard.... I Love how matter of fact it gets towards the end. It is Good to know that there are people like you in the world, fighting the good fight.

Keith Landry's avatar
Just a rough version of a song I plan to record properly during this coming February's RPM Challenge. EDUCATION REALITY CHECK I work with children every morning Check their progress every night I'm an expert with technology And interactive…
Guest said

Sounds like a classic! Bravo!

Keith Landry's avatar
Just a rough version of a song I plan to record properly during this coming February's RPM Challenge. EDUCATION REALITY CHECK I work with children every morning Check their progress every night I'm an expert with technology And interactive…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

great song Keith with man sound the way it is like its straight of the cuff...from the mind to the mouth.......@Norm great quote .....

Keith Landry's avatar
Just a rough version of a song I plan to record properly during this coming February's RPM Challenge. EDUCATION REALITY CHECK I work with children every morning Check their progress every night I'm an expert with technology And interactive…
Guest said

Yeah! Love yer lyrics. Great song!

Keith Landry's avatar
Just a rough version of a song I plan to record properly during this coming February's RPM Challenge. EDUCATION REALITY CHECK I work with children every morning Check their progress every night I'm an expert with technology And interactive…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

And I should say - some people indeed need their reality checked...

Keith Landry's avatar
Just a rough version of a song I plan to record properly during this coming February's RPM Challenge. EDUCATION REALITY CHECK I work with children every morning Check their progress every night I'm an expert with technology And interactive…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

I'm sharing this to my facebook page. Excellent message Mr Landry!

Keith Landry's avatar
Just a rough version of a song I plan to record properly during this coming February's RPM Challenge. EDUCATION REALITY CHECK I work with children every morning Check their progress every night I'm an expert with technology And interactive…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

love this message - and the way it sounds like a Woody Guthrie 78 recording!

Keith Landry's avatar
Just a rough version of a song I plan to record properly during this coming February's RPM Challenge. EDUCATION REALITY CHECK I work with children every morning Check their progress every night I'm an expert with technology And interactive…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

HA! Made me smile. I guess you get to teach them before they get to the "old people are dumber than a box of rocks" stage.
