Comments on kirklynch's stuff

kirklynch's avatar
the first multi track piece that I actually finished "in the box" in Cubase. An ambient kinda thing that grew out of playing around with the Line 6 DL4. Not sure I like the bow parts, but I may re do it later
These Metal Days's avatar
These Metal Days said

From a minimalistic beginning this grows into well orchestrated piece. I like it.

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
These Metal Days's avatar
These Metal Days said

Calm japanese feeling. Rsesembles a bit of Sakamoto's work

kirklynch's avatar
Rough sketch of a proposed dreamy 12 string piece that I couldn't pull off on the 12 string so did this quick electric version with vocal pads. Not sure of the recording quality- sounds OK in my cans and kinda crappy on my monitors. Recorded march…
These Metal Days's avatar
These Metal Days said

I like those arpeggios. Reminds me of Robert Fripp

kirklynch's avatar
Solo acoustic guitar recorded January 2nd 2009. Hope to do a longer more developed version at some point ,but for now just a short version to learn more about using new DAW software.
Guest said

beautiful and relaxing like this very much

kirklynch's avatar
the first multi track piece that I actually finished "in the box" in Cubase. An ambient kinda thing that grew out of playing around with the Line 6 DL4. Not sure I like the bow parts, but I may re do it later
eshar's avatar
eshar said

An excellent compilation of tunes Kirk, and not only enjoyed by me, but my son also enjoyed your music too. :)

kirklynch's avatar
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode
derkcyborg's avatar
derkcyborg said

phrygian? dorian? Then a beautiful major chord...perfect way to end off my evening. Thanks!

kirklynch's avatar
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode
Guest said

Whatever am I about, while doing up my list again, I forgot this earth shattering piece!

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

Thanks much, man!

kirklynch's avatar
Something completely different- Uilleann pipes(Irish bagpipes) and synth. I wrote this tune over 20 years ago in the style of traditional Irish slow airs. It was recorded way back in 1991 for an album that's been out of print for over 15 years…
derkcyborg's avatar
derkcyborg said

Sweet as it gets! Cheers d.

kirklynch's avatar
This is probably the last of this stuff from the archives that I'll upload. Rescued from a cassette tape of a live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen. These tunes are popular down in the Southwest of Ireland. Michael(Fiddle) and…
CB Band (Cees Borger Band)'s avatar
CB Band (Cees Borger Band) said

Well played! Full of changes like from majeur to mineur and back, good one!

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Thanks Kirk. I was really experimenting with different guitar sounds. For the acoustic I was trying to use a closet door as a way to reduce some of the noise I was having issues with. I actually turned the bass and acoustic into samples and looped them so I could play around wwith some lead guitar. It's pretty cool beacuse I'm learning new techniques from Norm, and you idea on the acoustic is helping me find a cleaner way to record acoustic. Thanks again!

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Jeffrey Alan Dbury's avatar
Jeffrey Alan Dbury said

I dig this one very soothing...Awesome!

kirklynch's avatar
Solo acoustic finger picking thing I've been working on for a while. Sometime around 1968 I started studying with Mr. George Bennett who taught me the rudiments of finger picking. Later when we played some gigs together he also taught me the rudiments…
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
Gilbert Neilson said

So Beautiful!!

kirklynch's avatar
Archival stuff from my distant past with former bandmates in Scartaglen. A set of traditional Irish tunes. Rescued from a cassette tape done at a concert back in the early 90's. Myself on Uilleann pipes and whistle. Mike dugger on guitar and fiddle…
Guest said

I just love the atmosphere these tracks have, such good fun. What a fantastic night out!

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Thanks for your recent comments mate.

kirklynch's avatar
This is probably the last of this stuff from the archives that I'll upload. Rescued from a cassette tape of a live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen. These tunes are popular down in the Southwest of Ireland. Michael(Fiddle) and…
Guest's avatar
Guest said

Very good! Reminds me of my time in Limerick, Ireland. I was there studying last spring =).

kirklynch's avatar
A simple solo acoustic guitar track for a dear departed four legged friend. Written 2005. Recorded Jan 9 2009.
tedsink's avatar
tedsink said

Very moving

kirklynch's avatar
Archival stuff from my distant past with former bandmates in Scartaglen. A set of traditional Irish tunes. Rescued from a cassette tape done at a concert back in the early 90's. Myself on Uilleann pipes and whistle. Mike dugger on guitar and fiddle…
tedsink's avatar
tedsink said

Wonderful! I do an Irish duet with a fiddle player every St. Patty's day, and I know how exacting this kind of music can be. When it's this good, it's a pure delight to listen to.

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Guest said

Great tune! Really powerful!

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Thanks Kirk. Have you been working on any new tunes?
