Comments on kirklynch's stuff

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
igor's avatar
igor said

Blues Guitar for Christmas as a metaphor for saying farewell to the outgoing something (sound cool, eh?). P.S. Nothing to do with my favorite Michael Brook album with the same title - Cobalt Blue. ~bronze bushing~

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
Gilbert Neilson said

Super song and technique!!!!!

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
kauaikta's avatar
kauaikta said

Very cool!

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Guest said

Sounds awesome.

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

so good! and that's why you're a pro :)

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Guest said

What a sound, this is Awesome Kirk!

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

fantastic sound here. true tone, true expression

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Very nice Kirk....i'm a little confused on the technique....are you placing the slide on your..say...ring finger and still picking or are you holding the slide? You don't have to give up your secret if you don't want to, just curious ;)

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Guest said

Not sure I understamd the difference or distinction that you are making between sliding and forgive me ..sliding...but hey it's not rough is smooth as silky and I suppose the similarity to a certain Charles' sound must be nodded at.Great work,much respect . Chris Jarvis. Merry Christmas.

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Here's to the ingenuity to customizing the tool to work for you, rather than the other way around. Sounds really great!

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

Love with a capital "L."

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

That is SWEET!

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

Nice tones!!

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

...Nice stuff senor; thanks so much for ye generous listening - on all levels!

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said


kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Guest said

Ha, not bad for kinda rough. I 2nd the Sister's comment!

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
marc's avatar
marc said

Cool! I'm glad you put it up!

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Guest said

I just invented a word for you, Kirk. "Bloohsy"

kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Guest said

"Didn't like any of the available slides so made my own from a piece of bronze bushing material." You are the coolest.

kirklynch's avatar
Rough sketch of a proposed dreamy 12 string piece that I couldn't pull off on the 12 string so did this quick electric version with vocal pads. Not sure of the recording quality- sounds OK in my cans and kinda crappy on my monitors. Recorded march…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said beautiful, senor! Thanks for listening.
