Comments on kirklynch's stuff

kirklynch's avatar
Solo acoustic guitar recorded January 2nd 2009. Hope to do a longer more developed version at some point ,but for now just a short version to learn more about using new DAW software.
Guest said

Sweet guitar work.

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Thanks for your comments mate. Didnt Sister do a great job with lyrics and beautiful vocals. That truly was an honor.

kirklynch's avatar
Solo acoustic finger picking thing I've been working on for a while. Sometime around 1968 I started studying with Mr. George Bennett who taught me the rudiments of finger picking. Later when we played some gigs together he also taught me the rudiments…
J dY Stamp's avatar
J dY Stamp said


kirklynch's avatar
Similar in feel to the other Fragile Moment track. Mostly acoustic guitars recorded sitting in my shop on the H4N and then finished up in Cubase just this morning. September 9 09. Maybe a nice one for bedtime
J dY Stamp's avatar
J dY Stamp said

Nice guitar sound! Nice melody! I really enjoy this piece.

kirklynch's avatar
Several years ago I had a short lived duo with an oboe and English horn player named Nat. This is a demo from that period. It's an old old chord progression of mine that never really had a melody and Nat improvised this melody in the studio to…
J dY Stamp's avatar
J dY Stamp said

Such a beautiful tune!

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
J dY Stamp's avatar
J dY Stamp said

So lovely piece!

kirklynch's avatar
A short unfinished jazzy kinda thing from the end of 2006
Guest said

this sounds like some pretty smoke and toxic gin.

kirklynch's avatar
Mining the archives a bit. This is an alternate take of my "Jimi Jam" from a couple of years ago. Live to 2 tracks with the Jamman. Really only sounds OK when cranked up loud enough that your eardrums threaten to meet in the middle. LOL!!
Guest said

thanks for your comments buddy. Keep Jimijamming.

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
Guest said

how are things in space?

kirklynch's avatar
Mining the archives a bit. This is an alternate take of my "Jimi Jam" from a couple of years ago. Live to 2 tracks with the Jamman. Really only sounds OK when cranked up loud enough that your eardrums threaten to meet in the middle. LOL!!
Guest said

was pretty cool=]

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
These Metal Days's avatar
These Metal Days said

Oriental feel, peaceful

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
Guest said

keep kicking ass.

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

Thanks, man -for listening, comments AND for these cool sounds.

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
Guest said

Great vibe to this!

kirklynch's avatar
What happened after too much time on youtube watching live vids of "voodoo chile" Noisy obnoxious and very cathartic for me! Live to 2tracks with the Jamman
Guest said

all great tunes

kirklynch's avatar
Straight ahead stone city electric blues for an old friend who used to spend hours spinning BB King and Mike Bloomfield records for me. Recorded back sometime at the end of 2006 on old analog equipment
Guest said

great tune.

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

...nice, man; 'sounds like you've been doing the engineerig for some time. Best! kss

kirklynch's avatar
Some acoustic fun with a looper and too much delay!!
christopher t nickey's avatar
christopher t nickey said

i dig this !!!! real nice kirk

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
winterstar's avatar
winterstar said

Dig it. A lot.

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

Thanks much, Kirk; again- cool stuff here. Where do you get your sounds/samples from? Also- what do you record on?
