Comments on Lady Jane's stuff

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

nicely done! Love the vocal harmonies!

Lady Jane's avatar
Collaboration with jip1965 I was emailed a piece of music entitled 'Glomp' (I kid you not) with a note saying "Chorus words something like... river flowing...the sun is shining lol" I sat and listened to the music a few times, not knowing…
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

.... see comment on Jip1965's post!!

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Guest said

very nice

Lady Jane's avatar
Collaboration with jip1965 I was emailed a piece of music entitled 'Glomp' (I kid you not) with a note saying "Chorus words something like... river flowing...the sun is shining lol" I sat and listened to the music a few times, not knowing…
Guest said

Fabulous folk classic for the future!

Lady Jane's avatar
Collaboration with jip1965 I was emailed a piece of music entitled 'Glomp' (I kid you not) with a note saying "Chorus words something like... river flowing...the sun is shining lol" I sat and listened to the music a few times, not knowing…
jip's avatar
jip said

hee hee - nice one LJ x

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
natepierrenelson's avatar
natepierrenelson said

good sound

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
markgoldsack's avatar
markgoldsack said

Wow Sis! I've taught you well Grasshopper......:-P xxx

Lady Jane's avatar
Lest I forget ...
Guest said

Beautiful soundscape - love the beats. Feels like walking through a magical garden.

Lady Jane's avatar
My first attempt at making music!
Guest said


Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

And you do it so well too.......

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Thank you all for your delightful and uplifting comments. I find it amazing that I didn't know I could do this until three months ago xox

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
jip's avatar
jip said

Nice one Ladyeeee! Harmonies are great.

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Guest said

Oh, Your Ladyship, this is wonderful! Bethan

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Guest said

Completely getting the Christine McVie reference, and also, oh my! Fabulous melody!

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Lady . . . You found the sweet spot. Nice song! A friend called me to tell me "The Verge Of Sanity" was a *MUST LISTEN*

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

You know how you're listening to the track above, and then the next one starts, but you've already heard it just now, so you reach for pause... Didn't click it this time lol This is fab.

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Guest said

Wow, Lady.this is your key center. I dont mean to compare but Christie Mc Vie , dose a great mercy / regae nu tune. So inventive.

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Mike Daish's avatar
Mike Daish said

I love it!

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Well, that was 19 second Fave :-) (It was nearly 2 seconds, but I thought I'd better wait for the vocal lol) And then when the backing vocals came in I wished had an "Even Better Than That" button to press... Fabulous. Love how the melody skips.

Lady Jane's avatar
Not sure where I was going with this, but it ended up quite dreary for what I thought were quite motivating lyrics. Watch this space, it may well appear again with more upbeat music. Lyrics: I choose the light to drive away the darkness Choose…
rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Hi Lady, thanks for the offer of beepy bits. Likewise, if you need any dubby/funky bass or geetar... This tune's growing on me, by the way. Sometimes I'm a bit too quick with my verdicts! :)x
