This is a recording from my i phone off my back deck at home in Mill Valley tonight. Everyone howls at 8 pm for 1 minute in solidarity for the healthcare providers during this pandemic with COVID 19. its been going on for over 2 weeks now…
Norm played the percussion first, which is a Bembe pattern; I couldnt help playing a melody and creating lyrics for this perc track. Thanks for the listen, Enjoy!
Norm played the percussion first, which is a Bembe pattern; I couldnt help playing a melody and creating lyrics for this perc track. Thanks for the listen, Enjoy!
Tworegs visited and we couldn't help but get at least one colaboration song done in the studio. I wish we would have had time to get some other songs he wrote in SF recorded in my studio but I was out of town during part of his stay, and to be…
Tworegs visited and we couldn't help but get at least one colaboration song done in the studio. I wish we would have had time to get some other songs he wrote in SF recorded in my studio but I was out of town during part of his stay, and to be…
Tworegs visited and we couldn't help but get at least one colaboration song done in the studio. I wish we would have had time to get some other songs he wrote in SF recorded in my studio but I was out of town during part of his stay, and to be…
Working through a barrage of songs over two different computers. thought I posted this already but its not on AT. (?)
A little re-tooling on this one today as well.
Enjoy- Reef
Another recent song somehow not posted to AT (?) cleaning house this weekend.
Had the privilege of playing around with a cello in the house.
Dont know how to play the damn thing but too fun not adding it in the mix
This is a true story. Im pretty sure this guy still has a taxi job on the night shift in Denver.
Too long since I’ve posted a song. Most importantly, I got Norm to dust off the skins and record some percussion for me. Good to hear Norm and…
I have Bodysnatchers and There There that I always play back to back in my car. To this day. Not sure why I do that. But now I know. Excellent performance, wicked harmonies!
After several bottles of wine, thetworegs and I were able to coerce Elvis and a few others down in regs basement to come out for a long overdue collab. After all, isn't October collab month?
Thanks again for the great vox!!
After several bottles of wine, thetworegs and I were able to coerce Elvis and a few others down in regs basement to come out for a long overdue collab. After all, isn't October collab month?
Thanks again for the great vox!!
Hey Norm there was a knock on the door late last night and guess who was standing there all sultry and pouty .... yes .... you know who! .... it was her wanting in ..... I looked her in the eye and told her to go .... as she turned to leave I noticed her dress was so short I could see her stocking tops ...... I called her name .... Desirea she turned and smiled.........
This is a recording of Norm and me playing together a few months ago. I didnt have any percussion instruments so Norm was on a Roland electric trap set and I had a cello. I looped some of the stuff we did that night, and retrofitted the rest…
The music reminds me of a scene from the streets of San Francisco then Karl Malden’s nose comes into my mind and my mind suddenly goes over the hills and far away ...I like it.
Norm played the percussion first, which is a Bembe pattern; I couldnt help playing a melody and creating lyrics for this perc track. Thanks for the listen, Enjoy!
This is a recording of Norm and me playing together a few months ago. I didnt have any percussion instruments so Norm was on a Roland electric trap set and I had a cello. I looped some of the stuff we did that night, and retrofitted the rest…
I recorded the sound samples at St Marks Basilica on the spot....the story you are about to hear is true; not even the names have changed to protect the innocent.
You pretty much made this an original, I am mesmerized. So cool! The little clean break at the end is magic. Yes, I want to be your dog. And your puppy lol!
Up with the sunrise
My new morning routine
Late last night with the fireflies
One more dimly-lit scene
Need to trade in these old eyes
Hard to tell red from green
Pull the visor down tight
And tie up the chain
Let's ride blind in the…
The finished product! Oldest daughter shines!
We don't always see eye to eye
And there are some days I don't know how we get by
We spend so much time caught in the race
Gotta slow down the pace
When did the river get so wide
All I thought…
Always great to hear your voice! good to see you crossed the rpm finish line again. I think it's hard sometimes to retrofit lyrics but you did a great job. The flow is really good and goes perfectly.
another for the RPM the seeker the psychic the depressed turn to to put there life back on track.....
so your the seeker, who can unfold the dreams
can you tell me whats waiting out there in the foreseen
can you see in to my minds…
Reg was talking to Elvis about Frank and he told him something he didn't can have it all then at the end not remember it which is what happened to Frank the grind ground him down a sad ending for a great man......Dementia is a cruel end…
smooooth, we need to plan a hawaii retreat for some live recordings. Been too long. Great guitar playing with the percs Rick. Never losing the endless summer feel brotha !
Runway Lights (in 128) was the solo I performed at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem North Carolina on the 26th of September 2015. The recording you hear is from the University mics. The title is actually a misnomer – a mistake on my…
I first heard Microtonal music from clones on Tracks in space. Its been at least 4 years since then and I feel im still way behind the bell curve.?!! Nice one chris>!
This one is still in progress, Jon the guitarist sent me a riff which i stuck together to get a kinda this is take 1....
I'm gonna kill a Mockingbird
That mockingbird mocks me with your name
I'm still not over you and it's causing…
Just another obscure saint. Not much known about him. Probably much more important and significant than any of us will ever realize.
Oh, yeah, and then there is Saint Simon. Same thing for him.
RIP Alex.
3 Congas, Vintage Bass Cocktail…
The sun in my mouth
the leaf on my back
the crown on my tree
forever let alone
in reverie
can't you see her
a WAV format version of the album is available on soundcloud
Comments on Reefwalker's stuff
It’s that could round here that should be what we’re hearing outside 😂
Great music to edit photographs too
Fun breezy collab!
Glad you guys was able to get into the studio with Reg’s intense touring schedule! Chris
It’s a shame we didn’t have longer but we did have a lot of fun with the time we had did a great job on this
My two words … fucking yeah!
Mine just attacked me while I was watching it carefully in the mirror it’s true it must hate me
Really loving this one today guys -Launched
I have Bodysnatchers and There There that I always play back to back in my car. To this day. Not sure why I do that. But now I know. Excellent performance, wicked harmonies!
Sounds awesome
Don't do it Reg!
Me likey some Funk!! ...
Hey Norm there was a knock on the door late last night and guess who was standing there all sultry and pouty .... yes .... you know who! .... it was her wanting in ..... I looked her in the eye and told her to go .... as she turned to leave I noticed her dress was so short I could see her stocking tops ...... I called her name .... Desirea she turned and smiled.........
The music reminds me of a scene from the streets of San Francisco then Karl Malden’s nose comes into my mind and my mind suddenly goes over the hills and far away ...I like it.
I just got the lyrics of this song tattooed down the right side of my ribcage.
@Norm, lol. Now under water.
I've caught some of those . Nice clean mix and production.
You pretty much made this an original, I am mesmerized. So cool! The little clean break at the end is magic. Yes, I want to be your dog. And your puppy lol!
Comments made by Reefwalker
Great tune. Like the change ups here. Whole rpm 17 is album is solid man.
Great song Keith, simple and beautiful. ...and congrats on another RPM finish!!
Downward spiral-ish at first. R u manipulating as your playing, or is it shifting on its own? Cool fx!
oy! great tune JBL!! (and Keith is OK too) Just excellent... good job guys would hit the fav button again if I could
Always great to hear your voice! good to see you crossed the rpm finish line again. I think it's hard sometimes to retrofit lyrics but you did a great job. The flow is really good and goes perfectly.
Great tune. Full of guitar goodness!
Perfect tune to end the night. Loved it
Nice! im hoping this is the 13th song for RPM 17 snd not the other way around ;) Cool tune! Cant wait to hear your other tracks Cheers!
had to smile at :20 - Taken in a few of your tracks.. Very cool. Love the funk going down. put together well Thanks for the uploads! - reef
Don't trust the seeker ! Nice regs. Like the guitar background on this.
Song really opens up. Delicate complex, and reckless. Well done!
Still opening bottles of wine to this one. Toes in the sand
aaawwwww man!! I missed these collabs! Nice!
Tight man. Great tune. - kick ass
smooooth, we need to plan a hawaii retreat for some live recordings. Been too long. Great guitar playing with the percs Rick. Never losing the endless summer feel brotha !
I first heard Microtonal music from clones on Tracks in space. Its been at least 4 years since then and I feel im still way behind the bell curve.?!! Nice one chris>!
I have always been a sucker for the 2 regs vox energy. The guitar riff is fitting for your vox in a led zep kinda way. keep if rough gentlemen !!
Always great hearing the percs! Mic ups on the skins is crisp. Love it!
Thanks guys of the listen and posts! Your right Chris, been too long ;)
BW, always predictably unpredictable. Enjoyed, thanks for the post :)!