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Trip Trap Tap

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Kick the tires and light the fires.

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

BAM ! great tune.

Guest said

Cool guitar tones and playing! I dig the fuzz texture and the, it envelope filter or wah pedal? It's a nice addition without being a bunch of obvious sweeping. Rocks!

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

incredible man, frickin' awesome!!

R. J. Garn's avatar
R. J. Garn said

My God!!!!!!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great riffage! Dig the harmonies!

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Of course.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Great hook man. Crank it up!

Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

Happy 4th!

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Hell YEAH!
