Comments on Ron's stuff

Ron's avatar
This has probably happened to every comes in for a visit but just uses you as a hotel...and leaves the dog for you to take care of while they are out having a ball.....freeloaders!!! Inspired by Uncle Greg!! all instruments and…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Love it... Love it... Love it. Only *Ronnie Cream Cheese* could deliver something like this. Poetic justice at its best!

Ron's avatar
This is another collaboration with Greg Connor.... Greg wrote the lyrics and asked me to come up with a blues song...I recorded the guitars, bass and organ.....and screamed out some vocals...but the best part is Greg blowing harp...check out his…
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Oh hell yeah ...nice one gents! Classic rocker!

Ron's avatar
This is another collaboration with Greg Connor.... Greg wrote the lyrics and asked me to come up with a blues song...I recorded the guitars, bass and organ.....and screamed out some vocals...but the best part is Greg blowing harp...check out his…
Ron's avatar
Ron said that is funny...because I think it is the harmonica playing that really makes this song work!!!!

Ron's avatar
This is another collaboration with Greg Connor.... Greg wrote the lyrics and asked me to come up with a blues song...I recorded the guitars, bass and organ.....and screamed out some vocals...but the best part is Greg blowing harp...check out his…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Now I can comment . . . Excellent Guitar work, with just the right touch of keyboard. I like that *"Trademark"* singing style too

Ron's avatar
Many thanks to Greg Connor for helping me with this track...I have been playing this Lindsey Buckingham / Fleetwood Mac song for a while, but could never sing I recorded the acoustic guitar and sent it to Greg and he added outstanding…
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Nice collab gents! Lindsey is a master.

Ron's avatar
Many thanks to Greg Connor for helping me with this track...I have been playing this Lindsey Buckingham / Fleetwood Mac song for a while, but could never sing I recorded the acoustic guitar and sent it to Greg and he added outstanding…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

A real gem guys

Ron's avatar
Many thanks to Greg Connor for helping me with this track...I have been playing this Lindsey Buckingham / Fleetwood Mac song for a while, but could never sing I recorded the acoustic guitar and sent it to Greg and he added outstanding…
jip's avatar
jip said

Nice one.

Ron's avatar
Many thanks to Greg Connor for helping me with this track...I have been playing this Lindsey Buckingham / Fleetwood Mac song for a while, but could never sing I recorded the acoustic guitar and sent it to Greg and he added outstanding…
Guest said

Nice collab, good people

Ron's avatar
Many thanks to Greg Connor for helping me with this track...I have been playing this Lindsey Buckingham / Fleetwood Mac song for a while, but could never sing I recorded the acoustic guitar and sent it to Greg and he added outstanding…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Yes, the acoustic guitar and lead break are fantastic!

Ron's avatar
New song By Andy & Ron Andy: Lyrics Ron: music and lyrics, all guitars, bass and vocals. About an aging rocker who thinks he can still impress the ladies!!! Lyrics Verse 1 I knew I was a rocker in my groovy leather pants I looked at all…
jip's avatar
jip said

I like. Nice one.

Ron's avatar
New song By Andy & Ron Andy: Lyrics Ron: music and lyrics, all guitars, bass and vocals. About an aging rocker who thinks he can still impress the ladies!!! Lyrics Verse 1 I knew I was a rocker in my groovy leather pants I looked at all…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

As an aging Rocker, I love it ( just got to get some leather pants !! )

Ron's avatar
New song By Andy & Ron Andy: Lyrics Ron: music and lyrics, all guitars, bass and vocals. About an aging rocker who thinks he can still impress the ladies!!! Lyrics Verse 1 I knew I was a rocker in my groovy leather pants I looked at all…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Kicking Ass this morning. Good GAWD

Ron's avatar
New song By Andy & Ron Andy: Lyrics Ron: music and lyrics, all guitars, bass and vocals. About an aging rocker who thinks he can still impress the ladies!!! Lyrics Verse 1 I knew I was a rocker in my groovy leather pants I looked at all…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Love it. I used to have some groovy leather pants - they used to stand up on their own the day after a gig! Mrs R disposed of them when we got married (mainly cos I couldn't get into them... "why hold on to them?"... "well you never know, I might slim down again"... "not that much you won't" lol)

Ron's avatar
New song By Andy & Ron Andy: Lyrics Ron: music and lyrics, all guitars, bass and vocals. About an aging rocker who thinks he can still impress the ladies!!! Lyrics Verse 1 I knew I was a rocker in my groovy leather pants I looked at all…
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Bitchin tune.

Ron's avatar
New song By Andy & Ron Andy: Lyrics Ron: music and lyrics, all guitars, bass and vocals. About an aging rocker who thinks he can still impress the ladies!!! Lyrics Verse 1 I knew I was a rocker in my groovy leather pants I looked at all…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I see your mind is going *"full speed ahead"* Who would have thought that success with the ladies was all predicated on "Groovy Leather Pants". I think I better go get a a pair. Nice guitar play too, by the way!

Ron's avatar
Greg let me have another go at one of his songs and I the wrote the words and music for a bridge so that way he has to pay me some royalties when he sells a million !!! lol thanks Greg for your inspiration and great music!!
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

I definitely like your brand of Whiskey....

Ron's avatar
this is my take on Joe Bonamassa's version of Blind Faith's "Had To Cry today" a much shorter version...just wanted to record that cool lick and am trying to work on my vocals ... oh well ..what a time to try to learn to sing at my age...63 next…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

oh Yeh, that took me back......

Ron's avatar
Greg let me have another go at one of his songs and I the wrote the words and music for a bridge so that way he has to pay me some royalties when he sells a million !!! lol thanks Greg for your inspiration and great music!!
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Great take on Greg's song

Ron's avatar
Greg let me have another go at one of his songs and I the wrote the words and music for a bridge so that way he has to pay me some royalties when he sells a million !!! lol thanks Greg for your inspiration and great music!!
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said


Ron's avatar
Greg let me have another go at one of his songs and I the wrote the words and music for a bridge so that way he has to pay me some royalties when he sells a million !!! lol thanks Greg for your inspiration and great music!!
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

This hits the spot. I prefer brandy meself (and vodka martini) but this makes me wonder. Love the choruses.
