Artists that match "short"
Tracks that match "short"
Playing with Boss SY-1 synth pedal sequencer settings.
I think it was the summer of 2016. I was trying to work on 50/90 and I set some rules for myself involving double tracking the crap out of everything and not using any GarageBandy short cuts like direct signal guitars with amp sims and copying…
This one comes from the 2014 RPM Challenge. Structurally speaking this is very similar to the original. I shortened a couple of solo sections but otherwise everything is the same.
The feel though is (to me at least) completely different…
First of three pieces made from the same original material; short bursts of sound from a cheap harmonica. Nine of these bursts were selected from the original recording, each of slightly different length. Each was then time-stretched by the same…
gamelan bells, strat and an audio glitch. A shorty for RPM '21
This year, trying to do something to kick myself into a higher gear. "Alternative Futures" is a collection of simple songs, each containing a very small musical idea, the entire composition is put together in a single session, with only minimal…
This year, trying to do something to kick myself into a higher gear. "Alternative Futures" is a collection of simple songs, each containing a very small musical idea, the entire composition is put together in a single session, with only minimal…
This year, trying to do something to kick myself into a higher gear. "Alternative Futures" is a collection of simple songs, each containing a very small musical idea, the entire composition is put together in a single session, with only minimal…
This year, trying to do something to kick myself into a higher gear. "Alternative Futures" is a collection of simple songs, each containing a very small musical idea, the entire composition is put together in a single session, with only minimal…
This year, trying to do something to kick myself into a higher gear. "Alternative Futures" is a collection of simple songs, each containing a very small musical idea, the entire composition is put together in a single session, with only minimal…
This year, trying to do something to kick myself into a higher gear. "Alternative Futures" is a collection of simple songs, each containing a very small musical idea, the entire composition is put together in a single session, with only minimal…
This year, trying to do something to kick myself into a higher gear. "Alternative Futures" is a collection of simple songs, each containing a very small musical idea, the entire composition is put together in a single session, with only minimal…
This year, trying to do something to kick myself into a higher gear. "Alternative Futures" is a collection of simple songs, each containing a very small musical idea, the entire composition is put together in a single session, with only minimal…
This year, trying to do something to kick myself into a higher gear. "Alternative Futures" is a collection of simple songs, each containing a very small musical idea, the entire composition is put together in a single session, with only minimal…