Comments on spacehoers's stuff

spacehoers's avatar
This almost sounds like an actual song. :D Video at
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

like it .......cheers tony cee

spacehoers's avatar
Bass, drums, Microkorg S
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

this is smart love those drums , great mix ,,,,........cheers tony cee

spacehoers's avatar
Guitar, bass, drums, Minibrute 2.
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

like it ....cheers tony cee

spacehoers's avatar
Bass, guitar, drums, Microfreak.
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Same with this one. You've even got me checking out Microfreak online!

spacehoers's avatar
Guitar, bass, drums, Microfreak.
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Wasn't expecting to like it when it started... but it's strangely hypnotic and likable

spacehoers's avatar
Korg Volcas, bass, Minibrute 2. Recorded with a Tascam DP-006, reverb with preset "Bathroom" added in Audacity.
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Really good use of the minibrute 2 .. it's all working together great 👍

spacehoers's avatar
Someone's at the door. I'm not expecting anyone, and I just can't deal with this right now. Quick and dirty video at Infernal howls and screaming by Mitri, Felix, Pteri, and Rosa.
Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

cool tune! great energy.

spacehoers's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Alberta too? I thought Canadians were sane.

spacehoers's avatar
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

I like it..... Some vocals would be awesome.

spacehoers's avatar
I had a problem installing a piece of hardware, and I eventually figured out that the solution was to go into the device manager, show hidden devices, and delete all of the unconnected usb devices, then plug in the hardware to make sure it got…
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

yeah man. good tune.

spacehoers's avatar
I had a problem installing a piece of hardware, and I eventually figured out that the solution was to go into the device manager, show hidden devices, and delete all of the unconnected usb devices, then plug in the hardware to make sure it got…
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

Crazy stuff those damned device drivers. but it gave way to some cool midi music. thanks for putting it out here for us to listen.

spacehoers's avatar
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

Diggin' this one. Be awesome with some Johnny Cash kind of vox.

spacehoers's avatar
witzelsucht's avatar
witzelsucht said

yea I want some of that what you is smoking!!

spacehoers's avatar
A question for all the idiots in the freedumb convoy.
witzelsucht's avatar
witzelsucht said

haha not out of place in the Prisoner ... crazy

spacehoers's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

warp core!

spacehoers's avatar
A quick synth jam with my parrots in the background.
myshare's avatar
myshare said

;) sounds like the bird likes synthesizers ;) at 2:06

spacehoers's avatar
Doomscrolling has thrown my mental health right into the sewer, so why can't I stop....
witzelsucht's avatar
witzelsucht said

yea I did I quite liked that ... just not in the right state of mind to love it ...

spacehoers's avatar
Doomscrolling has thrown my mental health right into the sewer, so why can't I stop....
Logan F's avatar
Logan F said

étude for freeze flight repetition compulsion

spacehoers's avatar
I spend waaaaaaay too much time doomscrolling....
Guest said

Les equipages, qui avaient pris depuis longtemps les devants, nous attendaient a Smolensk; je leur ordonnai de nous suivre; d'autres colonels envoyerent les leurs en avant, et l'on en sauva quelques-uns. massage lyon Il n'y avait plus la une image de passion devote, mais une materialite, un prodige de tendresse, qui, lorsqu'il priait devant la gravure, lui faisait elargir les mains pour recevoir religieusement le coeur sautant de la gorge sans tache.

spacehoers's avatar
A reliable source of funny since at least 2011.
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

man.... this is great!
