Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
I heard Wildgeas track Erase the Breeze on alonetone earlier and this came to me straight away so i had to get both sides of Reg on this one.. and kick it out while i had a little time ….hope you enjoy…Thanks Paul I need to feel real real Love…
surmised's avatar
surmised said

It's different. I like it.. Very mellow

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
readyornot's avatar
readyornot said


thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I can just about hear those lips coming through. I've always liked the attitude of this song.

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said


thetworegs's avatar
Heres a collab with Speed Demon Gene a cover by White Heat Written by Mick Ronson....all the Music is Gene and i'm doing the mumbling..........
Guest said

I like it. I'm a fan of the song, and of your version too.

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
Guest said

I've sure never heard that song like this. Cool, cool!

thetworegs's avatar
This is my contribution to the stone festival over at Songcrafters....i've stripped it down and Regged the old classic up...hope you enjoy
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

vocals are strong and so is the music

thetworegs's avatar
This is my contribution to the stone festival over at Songcrafters....i've stripped it down and Regged the old classic up...hope you enjoy
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nicely done mate

thetworegs's avatar
This is my contribution to the stone festival over at Songcrafters....i've stripped it down and Regged the old classic up...hope you enjoy
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Good job.....

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Nice version!

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Ha! I wasn't expecting this at all. Niiiice. Some Girls: The Musical?

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

My fav stones song (I don't like them much) but brilliant version. :)x:)

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
FDR's avatar
FDR said

Nice one!

thetworegs's avatar
This is my contribution to the stone festival over at Songcrafters....i've stripped it down and Regged the old classic up...hope you enjoy
Guest said

You gave this a perfect atmosphere Reg.

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Hey, second listen, the hook is there!!

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Aww yeah... fabulous Not sure that I'm going to get involved in the fest myself, but if I do get time, this was the main one I wanted to do but I couldn't figure out how to approach it. I'd have wanted to strip the famous hook out as well, but I couldn't see what was left that I could make something of... THIS on the other hand is exactly what's left and you've grabbed it by the short and curlies. Fine job sir.

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
Guest said

This is great Reg! I love yer tempo and a wonderful delivery. I think this is your best!!! Bethan

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

I like this one a lot The Rolling Regs down in the rock cellar >!

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

nicely Regged up. Really cool and a little creepy.

thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
Guest said

"Miss You" too, Reg...big kiss..
