Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Well i didn't think the lyrics fitted the tune first time round so here's the second attempt............more a song from the miss spent youth that the man today...... ONE OF THEM DAYS (Lyrics) The sunrise screams my mind wide awake My head so…
Guest said

Sung from the heart! Excellent performance.

thetworegs's avatar
Poor old Reg she's left him again........... JUST ONE OF A MILLION LONELY MEN (Lyrics) Can't find love in this cold hard city There ain't no love and there ain't no pity Walking alone in the lamp lit town Trying to hide my sorrowed frown…
Guest said

That's really sad. The organ music was a great choice. I bet the cars passing are splashing the puddles up and drenching Reg. That's all he needs, poor little scrap!

thetworegs's avatar
Another one for the RPM this one on the £16 Special....hope you enjoy...
Guest said

A strange one Reg! Well performed and the bubbly music is lovely!

thetworegs's avatar
And then Jim jumped up and sang this one with the house band down the cellar..........
Guest said

Good vox Jim!

thetworegs's avatar
I was listening to Jesmiaus earlier Trick of your love (RPM2012) and it gave me an idea for my first RPM this thanks Will...... hope you all enjoy this....i did doing it...they say smoking weed can make you schitzophrenic but i’m not…
jip's avatar
jip said

hee hee

thetworegs's avatar
Another one for the RPM this one on the £16 Special....hope you enjoy...
Guest said

How f*&%*^g prolific are you ? Ha very entertaining tho@ The Void

thetworegs's avatar
Poor old Reg she's left him again........... JUST ONE OF A MILLION LONELY MEN (Lyrics) Can't find love in this cold hard city There ain't no love and there ain't no pity Walking alone in the lamp lit town Trying to hide my sorrowed frown…
Guest said

Rap or talking blues...hmmmmm a X over maybe 80) Jarvo

thetworegs's avatar
Well i didn't think the lyrics fitted the tune first time round so here's the second attempt............more a song from the miss spent youth that the man today...... ONE OF THEM DAYS (Lyrics) The sunrise screams my mind wide awake My head so…
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

:) Yea!!

thetworegs's avatar
And then Jim jumped up and sang this one with the house band down the cellar..........
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

the doors got this fine song from brecht/weil. nice version tregs

thetworegs's avatar
I was listening to Jesmiaus earlier Trick of your love (RPM2012) and it gave me an idea for my first RPM this thanks Will...... hope you all enjoy this....i did doing it...they say smoking weed can make you schitzophrenic but i’m not…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

I'm high from this great song!!!

thetworegs's avatar
I really enjoyed this collab took me back to my teens....Led Zep 2 was my first introduction into Zeppelin and i loved every track....and thanks to Gene i got to be the lead singer for a few Minutes..
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Go team!

thetworegs's avatar
The Brood have gone visiting and i have sometime so i've been busy as you may have noticed heres a ad-libber with the £16 special....i always write miserable songs when i'm happy the happy ones come when i'm depressed....i'm normally quite…
Norm's avatar
Norm said


thetworegs's avatar
I was listening to Jesmiaus earlier Trick of your love (RPM2012) and it gave me an idea for my first RPM this thanks Will...... hope you all enjoy this....i did doing it...they say smoking weed can make you schitzophrenic but i’m not…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Very nice way to start it off my friend. Good luck to you on the challenge. :)

thetworegs's avatar
My second attempt at the RPM challenge 2012...... DO WE STAY OR DO WE GO (Lyrics) I drink to try and resolve all the problems that i know i try to find some kind of escape but i’m afraid that i’m just too late all my thoughts they whirl around…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

I agree with Be, the piano works perfect with the vocals. Keep em' comin..... :)

thetworegs's avatar
My second attempt at the RPM challenge 2012...... DO WE STAY OR DO WE GO (Lyrics) I drink to try and resolve all the problems that i know i try to find some kind of escape but i’m afraid that i’m just too late all my thoughts they whirl around…
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Wow, in some really weird way this reminds me of early Kate Bush and therefore totally brilliant and wonderfully eccentric. So good :)

thetworegs's avatar
My second attempt at the RPM challenge 2012...... DO WE STAY OR DO WE GO (Lyrics) I drink to try and resolve all the problems that i know i try to find some kind of escape but i’m afraid that i’m just too late all my thoughts they whirl around…
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

nice lyrics tregs

thetworegs's avatar
My second attempt at the RPM challenge 2012...... DO WE STAY OR DO WE GO (Lyrics) I drink to try and resolve all the problems that i know i try to find some kind of escape but i’m afraid that i’m just too late all my thoughts they whirl around…
Guest said

Oh stay Reg! Nice vox here Reg. I thought the piano was perfect for the track and your lyric thought provoking and clever.

thetworegs's avatar
I was listening to Jesmiaus earlier Trick of your love (RPM2012) and it gave me an idea for my first RPM this thanks Will...... hope you all enjoy this....i did doing it...they say smoking weed can make you schitzophrenic but i’m not…
Guest said

Great dual vocal, most effective! Good luck with the rest of the challenge too!

thetworegs's avatar
I was listening to Jesmiaus earlier Trick of your love (RPM2012) and it gave me an idea for my first RPM this thanks Will...... hope you all enjoy this....i did doing it...they say smoking weed can make you schitzophrenic but i’m not…
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Me too!!

thetworegs's avatar
The mans back home but he feels unsafe .....he felt safer in the war zone ...........he's a broken man.........what he's seen and done has destroyed him....... WHIRLPOOL (Lyrics by Reg) He’s coming down falling through the clouds back to his…
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

