Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has finally brought Bon round and he wants to get straight up and sing............Reg cant stop him ...Well, who can stop a man who's been on the shine... the only problem is that he is blind and he couldn't see the controls on the amp…
igor's avatar
igor said

~Dreams of you all through his head~ it's an open door...

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has woken feeling a little down, must of had too much moonshine last night trying to cover his sadness................
igor's avatar
igor said

~sadness and corn beverage~no blues~

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was talking to Elvis about Frank and he told him something he didn't can have it all then at the end not remember it which is what happened to Frank the grind ground him down a sad ending for a great man......Dementia is a cruel end…
igor's avatar
igor said

Dementia as happiness at the end of ends ~Queen Square~

thetworegs's avatar
Reg's friend, Austin has a crush on this girl Louise who is way out of his reach. He is trying to pluck up the courage to tell her how he feels about her. He writes poetry about her. He goes to the bar where she works so he can see her communicate…
igor's avatar
igor said

To land off? With weights on his feet? Possible. Just tell her about it directly. She refuse. Because if she didn't feel you before - she don't feel you now. And then...

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was getting a little sentimental so he wrote this song for his eldest Daughter who has flew the nest for quite a time now.....
igor's avatar
igor said

There are Two Regas: one is horrible, loud and all that. And there is another... here he is - a quiet romantic, huh?

thetworegs's avatar
They were all in the cellar and Louis heard this great tune by the Farfetched Tangmo Band and had to recite this story he had heard of Jack and Jill... so here it is.............
igor's avatar
igor said

I saw a wall in that cellar, once. And there was the inscription: "Satchmo was here".

thetworegs's avatar
Over the weekend Reg had gone back to his home town where he come from and met up with a few of his friends from whey back when. He found that he seemed like stranger. He was sitting telling Elvis about his weekend. Elvis felt sorry for Reg because…
rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Hurrah! Vegas Elvis lives!

thetworegs's avatar
Well, who do think came down the cellar last night... Yep! you guested it, Charlie Sheen, he was none too happy. He should have been if the girls with him were anything to go by. He'd come to talk to Elvis about handling the Yes men and how he…
igor's avatar
igor said

Old Anglaise. If really were anything to go by :-)

thetworegs's avatar
Over the weekend Reg had gone back to his home town where he come from and met up with a few of his friends from whey back when. He found that he seemed like stranger. He was sitting telling Elvis about his weekend. Elvis felt sorry for Reg because…
igor's avatar
igor said

~to cheer him up to roll-roll-roll. Down~

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has just finished reading the Sunday Times it's quite a read and he has decided he has had enough of bad news. So he is going to try something different to try to carry on getting his kicks before the whole shit-house falls down…
igor's avatar
igor said

~Reg can thought~

thetworegs's avatar
Well, who do think came down the cellar last night... Yep! you guested it, Charlie Sheen, he was none too happy. He should have been if the girls with him were anything to go by. He'd come to talk to Elvis about handling the Yes men and how he…
Guest said

Reg, you are the best!!!!

thetworegs's avatar
This is an exert from the Two regs Radio program on C.U.N.T. fm . The Regs are in the middle of re-write of their new book and this exert and others like it are hoped to be used as background for the Audio book. You can hear a lot more from the…
fallingupart's avatar
fallingupart said

OMG, I had a Keith Landry track playing in a window behind this at the same time. Oops. That was REALLY strange. OMG, again! Oh, shit, this is hilarious! I have a few former bosses I think you're singing about here. How'd you know? Hey, check out another cultural landslide's album from this year. Funny shit. But fast (or d/l it)--they are only leaving it up for 45 days.

thetworegs's avatar
Well, who do think came down the cellar last night... Yep! you guested it, Charlie Sheen, he was none too happy. He should have been if the girls with him were anything to go by. He'd come to talk to Elvis about handling the Yes men and how he…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Great Song!!!!! Superb Collab!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was talking to Elvis about Frank and he told him something he didn't can have it all then at the end not remember it which is what happened to Frank the grind ground him down a sad ending for a great man......Dementia is a cruel end…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Damn this is sh%t hot track guys

thetworegs's avatar
They were all in the cellar and Louis heard this great tune by the Farfetched Tangmo Band and had to recite this story he had heard of Jack and Jill... so here it is.............
stoman's avatar
stoman said

Wow, Louis Armstrong meets Tom Waits ... :D Nice music and GREAT vocals. Doesn't that hurt? ;) Regards, Steffen

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has just finished reading the Sunday Times it's quite a read and he has decided he has had enough of bad news. So he is going to try something different to try to carry on getting his kicks before the whole shit-house falls down…
Guest said

Quirky, offbeat, totally original! (Bethan is blushing at the swearing. You can take the girl out of the convent...)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has just finished reading the Sunday Times it's quite a read and he has decided he has had enough of bad news. So he is going to try something different to try to carry on getting his kicks before the whole shit-house falls down…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

Quadrophenia meets the Boom Town Rats. excellent!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has just finished reading the Sunday Times it's quite a read and he has decided he has had enough of bad news. So he is going to try something different to try to carry on getting his kicks before the whole shit-house falls down…
stoman's avatar
stoman said

I like when you belt it out like that! :)

thetworegs's avatar
Well, who do think came down the cellar last night... Yep! you guested it, Charlie Sheen, he was none too happy. He should have been if the girls with him were anything to go by. He'd come to talk to Elvis about handling the Yes men and how he…
stoman's avatar
stoman said

Great collaboration, guys! Regards, Steffen

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has just finished reading the Sunday Times it's quite a read and he has decided he has had enough of bad news. So he is going to try something different to try to carry on getting his kicks before the whole shit-house falls down…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

well played,,
