Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
another for the RPM...... ALL I NEED I’m sat up here at the top of the road I’m sat up here and i’m all alone I’m sat up here waiting for you to come on home I’m sat up here at the top of the road i’m waiting for you and all i want is…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

The music is a Stephen Stills-style early '70s-flavor of that effective country/folk rock formulae of simple and sweet, allowing the lyrics and vocals to shine. And in this case your vocals do the lyrics serious justice, and those lyrics are moving, touching. They sucked me in, inviting me to visualize the setting and experience the emotions. This is a for-real good bit of songwriting. This was how it was done in our day, but the art seems lost on the under 30 generation.

thetworegs's avatar
I thought i'd join in the fun thanks for the challenge Gene......with a little fx free from I built myself an android I’ve been sitting here lonely for seems a long long time i’ve even thought of buying myself one of them internet…
Mamakato's avatar
Mamakato said

We like this one!

thetworegs's avatar
I thought i'd join in the fun thanks for the challenge Gene......with a little fx free from I built myself an android I’ve been sitting here lonely for seems a long long time i’ve even thought of buying myself one of them internet…
Guest said

Great job on the challenge - excellent!

thetworegs's avatar
I thought i'd join in the fun thanks for the challenge Gene......with a little fx free from I built myself an android I’ve been sitting here lonely for seems a long long time i’ve even thought of buying myself one of them internet…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

This is awesome!!!!! $89.95~ not a bad deal at all!!!! Short or long hair... decided on blond cuz wouldn't you too!!! Love this!! I am picturing her sitting in your car... backseat driving

thetworegs's avatar
still home alone so eating into the RPM ....I was tinkling on the piano and got this one going Only Heaven Knows Another day without the sunshine Another day without a sunrise Just the Grey Clouds bringing the rain Just a dark cloud creating…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Bittersweet, with sad lyrics sung over beautiful piano. On the one hand I’m thinking, “That poor guy needs some company,” while on the other, selfish hand I’m thinking, “But out of his misery came this gorgeous music we might not otherwise have been blessed to experience.” And on my third, evil hand, I’m thinking, “What kind of awesome tune would he belt out if we increased his misery by roughing him up every now and then?”

thetworegs's avatar
I thought i'd join in the fun thanks for the challenge Gene......with a little fx free from I built myself an android I’ve been sitting here lonely for seems a long long time i’ve even thought of buying myself one of them internet…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

An exceptional job -- great lyrics, pleasant music. You done good. The snore at the end -- ha ha! Sure glad you got in on this challenge, and, as Greg said, welcome to the party!

thetworegs's avatar
still home alone so eating into the RPM ....I was tinkling on the piano and got this one going Only Heaven Knows Another day without the sunshine Another day without a sunrise Just the Grey Clouds bringing the rain Just a dark cloud creating…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said


thetworegs's avatar
and another for the RPM........There going down...
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Very early-Rolling Stones-ish. I can see Mic Jagger strutting about the stage in my mind as I listen to this. Dig!

thetworegs's avatar
I thought i'd join in the fun thanks for the challenge Gene......with a little fx free from I built myself an android I’ve been sitting here lonely for seems a long long time i’ve even thought of buying myself one of them internet…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Lots of fun . . . Welcome to the party!

thetworegs's avatar
another for the RPM album.........
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

evening friend, i have not been around to listen for a while,, like this.. nicely done mixing,, best of luck with rpm

thetworegs's avatar
Live in the cellar this morning just me and Rapunzel...... PLEASE DON'T GO close the door now put out the light i got a feeling deep inside everything alright i just want to hold you keep you close to my heart i don’t want to ever feel…
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

aaaawwww, a lovely song, really nice acoustics, love your voice :-)

thetworegs's avatar
another Reg saga....will he or will he not find love this he on the wagon...has he fallen...what the hell is he up too this year....all will be revealed....... I WANT YOU GONE Baby i just don’t feel it i just don’t feel it no more…
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

This is purely awesome !!!! I simply love it ! Really great guitarwork accompanied by brilliant vocals ! A+

thetworegs's avatar
He gone and lost his belief in love ..........for No4............ Thank god we've drank all the wine ...only sleep left!! I lost my belief in love....adlib......
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said


thetworegs's avatar
An ad libber getting drunker.......
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I shall now go back to my broom cupboard... slightly chastened with thoughts of what can be achieved with spontaneity!

thetworegs's avatar
An ad libber getting drunker.......
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

When I read "ad libber" I wasn't expecting, well, this... I'm stunned, quality. Both me and Mrs R love it.

thetworegs's avatar
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said


thetworegs's avatar
An ad libber getting drunker.......
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I love this tune Regs. Spontaneously raw.

thetworegs's avatar
He gone and lost his belief in love ..........for No4............ Thank god we've drank all the wine ...only sleep left!! I lost my belief in love....adlib......
Guest said

God almighty, I love that track.

thetworegs's avatar
He gone and lost his belief in love ..........for No4............ Thank god we've drank all the wine ...only sleep left!! I lost my belief in love....adlib......
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

i certainly do ...i was always amazed how you took the voice off the track...... a much better version than mine Thank you

thetworegs's avatar
He gone and lost his belief in love ..........for No4............ Thank god we've drank all the wine ...only sleep left!! I lost my belief in love....adlib......
Guest said

I love the vocal effects man! The world would be a better place if everyone talked to each other in auto tune, all the time!
