Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
(Featuring Jim Goodin fretless guitar, Chris Vaisvil fretless bass)
Guest said

Oh, nice one, most enjoyable. Recently a friend played fretless guitar for me, it was fascinating.

vaisvil's avatar
As titled.
Guest said

Such a pretty sounding instrument. Is that all harpsichord Chris, I thought I heard something else being plucked as well? Years ago my family bought me a chord zither which I am not able to play due to the fact I never found anyone to teach me. It's pretty though, has hand painted flowers on it!

vaisvil's avatar
A new piano piece in a new tuning devised by John O'Sullivan
Guest said

Absolutely lovely! So well played!

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin it again - but in a different way. This is the harpsichord that was sampled.
Guest said

Cuh cuh ca choo! A creditable and enjoyable cover.

vaisvil's avatar
The Beatles Revolution as a lullaby. Apologies to John.
Guest said

Interesting subject for a lullaby here Chris. Beautiful guitar playing.

vaisvil's avatar
A picture of Chicago’s near north side I took on a recent trip. Note the scaffolding for the church steeple. 17 edo electric guitar solo with ebow, whammy bar, and delay is a microtonal ambient minimalist piece.
Guest said

Wow, sounds like a whale chorale. So clever!

vaisvil's avatar
A traditional piece from the renaissance arranged for flute and two classical guitars. I used meantone tuning which is probably a bit more authentic - though so very close to 12 equal that you may not notice the difference. http://en.wikipedia…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said


vaisvil's avatar
(Featuring Jim Goodin fretless guitar, Chris Vaisvil fretless bass)
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

a really very nice colab, i think it's interesting in that on the one hand it's simple in from, and on the other it projects it self to a lot of depth,,, i suppose minimilist is a way to describe it? whatever,, i like it

vaisvil's avatar
(Featuring Jim Goodin fretless guitar, Chris Vaisvil fretless bass)
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

And here's another! Nice work guys. I don't seem to understand enough about what you're doing to make sensible comments. Except this - I like it, keep doing it!

vaisvil's avatar
As titled.
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Yes. You're exploring a slightly different place than I am, but several times recently I've clicked on one of yours just to see "what's cooking" and each time you take me closer to this different place. I'm starting to feel that vaisvil tunes are essential "Andrew Russe listening"! :-)

vaisvil's avatar
A new piano piece in a new tuning devised by John O'Sullivan
Guest said

Well played.

vaisvil's avatar
A new piano piece in a new tuning devised by John O'Sullivan
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

So nice, love this tuning

vaisvil's avatar
A new piano piece in a new tuning devised by John O'Sullivan
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

This is mighty fine listening.

vaisvil's avatar
A new piano piece in a new tuning devised by John O'Sullivan
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Just what I needed the children ready for bed or rather wrestled them ready for bed and now to relax with some beautiful piano ......excellent Chris Thanks

vaisvil's avatar
A new piano piece in a new tuning devised by John O'Sullivan
Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Faved instantly. Great listening.

vaisvil's avatar
A new piano piece in a new tuning devised by John O'Sullivan
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

There's nothing like a good cup of coffee,and a song climbing through the blooming trees and raising on up beyond the sky,tipping it's hat to say good-by.

vaisvil's avatar
A new piano piece in a new tuning devised by John O'Sullivan
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Beautiful. It's as if the experience of flying is at hand.

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin it again - but in a different way. This is the harpsichord that was sampled.
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Best I am the Walrus cover I've ever heard :)

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin it again - but in a different way. This is the harpsichord that was sampled.
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one well done.

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin it again - but in a different way. This is the harpsichord that was sampled.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

and the Walrus was Paul. Good fun.
