Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
Lucy of the species Australopithecus looks into the distance of Awash Valley in what is now Ethiopia and feels the future of what can be. Performed in Charles Lucy's 0b5s tuning
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Lucy has seen the future and it is microtonal!

vaisvil's avatar
Lucy of the species Australopithecus looks into the distance of Awash Valley in what is now Ethiopia and feels the future of what can be. Performed in Charles Lucy's 0b5s tuning
Guest said

cool chords and tones. would it be ok for me to try and add some guitar to this tune?

vaisvil's avatar
This is a piano improvisation that mixes Pianoteq in Werckmeister III tuning with Cakewalk’s True Piano in 12 equal. What results is a soft phased piano sound. This skirts right on the edge of what can be considered microtonal. Some may well…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Well, I didn't understand what you had to say about the tones of this piece, but I enjoyed it. And what a photo. Desperate. But well dressed. I sort of wish that was still the fashion...

vaisvil's avatar
Fisherman and the Siren by Lord Frederic Leighton This is a blues collaboration between The TwoRegs (vocals / lyrics) and Norm Harris (percussion) and myself (17 note per octave electric guitar and fretless bass). We hope you enjoy it…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

cool, gritty tune

vaisvil's avatar
Fisherman and the Siren by Lord Frederic Leighton This is a blues collaboration between The TwoRegs (vocals / lyrics) and Norm Harris (percussion) and myself (17 note per octave electric guitar and fretless bass). We hope you enjoy it…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

A dirty and nasty bit of blues...damn cool and intense.

vaisvil's avatar
Fisherman and the Siren by Lord Frederic Leighton This is a blues collaboration between The TwoRegs (vocals / lyrics) and Norm Harris (percussion) and myself (17 note per octave electric guitar and fretless bass). We hope you enjoy it…
lgh's avatar
lgh said

Oh yes, this is sweet!!! LG

vaisvil's avatar
Year: 1999 Album: Land of the Lost Artist's description: I don't remember where I got the drum set from but there is a custom percussion loop thanks to HammerHead. The voice is mine suitably modified. That is not a sequencer…
Guest said

Am totally digging the last couple of minutes - great big gothy sounds!

vaisvil's avatar
Year: 1999 Album: Land of the Lost Artist's description: I don't remember where I got the drum set from but there is a custom percussion loop thanks to HammerHead. The voice is mine suitably modified. That is not a sequencer…
Guest said

Mine could do with a spit shine also. This helped. Jumbly, energising sounds.

vaisvil's avatar
A simple piece of music looked at from 3 perspectives.
Norm's avatar
Norm said


vaisvil's avatar
A simple piece of music looked at from 3 perspectives.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Really quite beautiful!

vaisvil's avatar
Fisherman and the Siren by Lord Frederic Leighton This is a blues collaboration between The TwoRegs (vocals / lyrics) and Norm Harris (percussion) and myself (17 note per octave electric guitar and fretless bass). We hope you enjoy it…
twirretwarre's avatar
twirretwarre said

Wow, great collaboration! Great atmosphere, and you must have had much fun! (Although I prefer a nice man on the picture ;-) joking... :-) )

vaisvil's avatar
Fisherman and the Siren by Lord Frederic Leighton This is a blues collaboration between The TwoRegs (vocals / lyrics) and Norm Harris (percussion) and myself (17 note per octave electric guitar and fretless bass). We hope you enjoy it…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

I'm a happily married man I'll have you know, it's the other Reg who gets the groupies.......I'll put the lyrics up later.........

vaisvil's avatar
Fisherman and the Siren by Lord Frederic Leighton This is a blues collaboration between The TwoRegs (vocals / lyrics) and Norm Harris (percussion) and myself (17 note per octave electric guitar and fretless bass). We hope you enjoy it…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

yeah - the vocalists get all of the groupies.

vaisvil's avatar
Fisherman and the Siren by Lord Frederic Leighton This is a blues collaboration between The TwoRegs (vocals / lyrics) and Norm Harris (percussion) and myself (17 note per octave electric guitar and fretless bass). We hope you enjoy it…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Chris, are you asking Reg for the lyrics or the bait? Oh, wait. He probably has both...

vaisvil's avatar
Fisherman and the Siren by Lord Frederic Leighton This is a blues collaboration between The TwoRegs (vocals / lyrics) and Norm Harris (percussion) and myself (17 note per octave electric guitar and fretless bass). We hope you enjoy it…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

good point - Reg?

vaisvil's avatar
Fisherman and the Siren by Lord Frederic Leighton This is a blues collaboration between The TwoRegs (vocals / lyrics) and Norm Harris (percussion) and myself (17 note per octave electric guitar and fretless bass). We hope you enjoy it…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Exactly what bait does one use to hook one of those, anyway?

vaisvil's avatar
Norm has been teaching a master's class in percussion and gave me (a lot!!) of guidance to try to add bass properly to this. I added 5 string bass, Fender Mustang and GR-20 sax to his excellent Tumbao track. We hope you enjoy it.
Guest said

Awesome collab guys!

vaisvil's avatar
Made for the ImprovFriday video event. The CT scan is of me. This is in 17 notes per octave. Full quality 90 megabyte video here:
Guest said

Are you participating in the IF film festival?

vaisvil's avatar
Made for the ImprovFriday video event. The CT scan is of me. This is in 17 notes per octave. Full quality 90 megabyte video here:
Guest said

This scans perfect with aliened protocols!! this really cool, fantastic set for IF!

vaisvil's avatar
Lyrics and information can be found here if you are so inclined:
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Agree with Dave on this one Fantastic...
