Comments on Wildgeas Music's stuff

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Inspired by New Orleans Lyrics Left from Carolina headed for New Orleans started west out to Tennessee bout' then it started rainin' far as I could see I heard the levys broke and let in the sea Oh Mississippi flow flow to the…
Gregg Pepitone's avatar
Gregg Pepitone said

good ole' r&b...

Wildgeas Music's avatar
sunshines on waves of grain purple mountains are turning grey duck and cover, the theme of the day as times collide in the USA spacious skies pourin' rain Mississippi she's floodin the plains run for cover, it's comming your way we…
Gregg Pepitone's avatar
Gregg Pepitone said

the chorus with the children in background nice touch!!!! you noodle pretty good on that geetar ole'

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Autumn in D minor (Instrumental)
Gregg Pepitone's avatar
Gregg Pepitone said

(P)This site is addicting! I've been hearing some truly great stuff!! btw--like the simplicity of this track!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Inspired by my love of New York.
Gregg Pepitone's avatar
Gregg Pepitone said

nice keyboard riff in the opening..interesting tune I like the way you sing in this the track a unique personality.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Inspired by RFK's Mindless Menace of Violence Speech Lyrics Perhaps we can remember if only for a time that violence stops for no man being rich and poor,and black or white we share the same old dreams a captive moment in our lives…
Gregg Pepitone's avatar
Gregg Pepitone said

hey (P) nice stuff here! the mixes sound great! like the guitars and the percussion background (i.e, rattles, shakers, tamborine etc.) nice guitar lead..has a nice flow.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Inspired by New Orleans Lyrics Left from Carolina headed for New Orleans started west out to Tennessee bout' then it started rainin' far as I could see I heard the levys broke and let in the sea Oh Mississippi flow flow to the…
Gregg Pepitone's avatar
Gregg Pepitone said

ohh this is a fun jam tune...i'm rock'n in my seat! nice lyrics--good work (P)

Wildgeas Music's avatar
sunshines on waves of grain purple mountains are turning grey duck and cover, the theme of the day as times collide in the USA spacious skies pourin' rain Mississippi she's floodin the plains run for cover, it's comming your way we…
Gregg Pepitone's avatar
Gregg Pepitone said

nice guitar the effects on the vocals! nice work my man!!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Ring of Fire - lyrics by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash -1963. Slightly modified. This wasn't meant to be Ring of Fire but that's how it wound up. I have been wanting to trash Ring of Fire and the words just seem to fit this simple 1-4-5…
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

I am very sure neither Johnny or June ever envisioned their song done like this! Love the re-interpretation. ER

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Guest said

this is so legit!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Ring of Fire - lyrics by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash -1963. Slightly modified. This wasn't meant to be Ring of Fire but that's how it wound up. I have been wanting to trash Ring of Fire and the words just seem to fit this simple 1-4-5…
Guest said

Your rendition of this classic is truly original...I like the way you made it your own! Awsome power on the guitar tracks! Nice work my good man!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a tune that's been on the back burner for a bit. I was looking to get a dark Ultravox kind of sound. Anyone feel like puttin' on their Midge Ure hat??? Anyway, these aren't the droids your looking for. Move along..............Move along.
Guest said

Like the way you layered this piece! The change ups are intriguing and the beat takes it on a nice drive! BTW-Thanks for the warm welcome to alonetone and thanks for turning me on to this site!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
One for my electronic friends. It's just a bunch of patches mixed with MIDI and glued together with 1 part water, 2 parts flour, and 2 parts ectoplasma. Enjoy!
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

delicate arrangement of sounds which could recall 'throbbing gristle'

Wildgeas Music's avatar
One for my electronic friends. It's just a bunch of patches mixed with MIDI and glued together with 1 part water, 2 parts flour, and 2 parts ectoplasma. Enjoy!
Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

It's hammer time! Siriusly. :-)

Wildgeas Music's avatar
One for my electronic friends. It's just a bunch of patches mixed with MIDI and glued together with 1 part water, 2 parts flour, and 2 parts ectoplasma. Enjoy!
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

This Ear Candy Has the Spook Bro!!! Superb!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Ring of Fire - lyrics by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash -1963. Slightly modified. This wasn't meant to be Ring of Fire but that's how it wound up. I have been wanting to trash Ring of Fire and the words just seem to fit this simple 1-4-5…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Dont Know how I missed This... Totally BAD ASS!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont think I have ever heard a contemporary Cover of this tune! Bro... You F*cking RULE!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
One for my electronic friends. It's just a bunch of patches mixed with MIDI and glued together with 1 part water, 2 parts flour, and 2 parts ectoplasma. Enjoy!
Guest said

@AF- A Sirius Hammer is an intergalactic tool used to mine Tin :) ~WG

Wildgeas Music's avatar
One for my electronic friends. It's just a bunch of patches mixed with MIDI and glued together with 1 part water, 2 parts flour, and 2 parts ectoplasma. Enjoy!
Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

excellent ambient, light and clear - and what is Sirius hammering?

Wildgeas Music's avatar
One for my electronic friends. It's just a bunch of patches mixed with MIDI and glued together with 1 part water, 2 parts flour, and 2 parts ectoplasma. Enjoy!
Guest said

Definitely not of this world. Wow, this is different from you isn't it Paul? Gloriously unexpected, and just as enjoyable. Love it!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
One for my electronic friends. It's just a bunch of patches mixed with MIDI and glued together with 1 part water, 2 parts flour, and 2 parts ectoplasma. Enjoy!
Memoir's avatar
Memoir said

Awesome! Very enigma'ish. Diggin it!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
One for my electronic friends. It's just a bunch of patches mixed with MIDI and glued together with 1 part water, 2 parts flour, and 2 parts ectoplasma. Enjoy!
mmi's avatar
mmi said

Grooving darkly.
