Comments on Wildgeas Music's stuff

Wildgeas Music's avatar
For Mom because she liked the harmonica. We love you and miss you.
launched's avatar
launched said

Very soothing and mellow. Requires multiple listens.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
For Mom because she liked the harmonica. We love you and miss you.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

This is beautiful man!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
For Mom because she liked the harmonica. We love you and miss you.
Guest said

Harmonica sounds kind of wistful. Lovely piece Paul.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
For Mom because she liked the harmonica. We love you and miss you.
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

nice tribute, cool harmonica.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
For Mom because she liked the harmonica. We love you and miss you.
Guest said

Never heard the harmonica sounding so ethereal! Sweetly soft tribute.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
For Mom because she liked the harmonica. We love you and miss you.
Guest said

Glad you noticed I was back again. :) I can relate to this song. Makes me think of my Great Grandmother. She used to call family and friends on the a song on the harmonica, giggle...then hang up. lol. You can hear the emotions in this. Great job man. As for the submarines.. hehe. If a dude in New York can detect better let homeland security know. hehe.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
For Mom because she liked the harmonica. We love you and miss you.
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate dig it very cool.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
For Mom because she liked the harmonica. We love you and miss you.
Guest said

Just came for a sample listen, stayed for the whole piece -really liked this

Wildgeas Music's avatar
For Mom because she liked the harmonica. We love you and miss you.
Rubber's avatar
Rubber said

Great tune. -JRR

Wildgeas Music's avatar
For Mom because she liked the harmonica. We love you and miss you.
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

nice, i like the way it seems to gently flow, like a small stream of notes,,,, the synth background is ethereal,, a around good track

Wildgeas Music's avatar
For Mom because she liked the harmonica. We love you and miss you.
Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Very nice, my friend.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
An Instrumental featuring the Harmonica
Guest said


Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
alexisfromtexas's avatar
alexisfromtexas said

Real or imagined war for you? I'm glad you provided lyrics and that I read them before listening, because it brought the picture together. Quite good.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another MIDI mess for my Gunslinger Project. It's short, it's sweet. Nice grand piano plugin. Added a bit of acoustic.
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
Jean-Luc Thomas said

Sounds like a soundtrack for a really great point and click adventure game. Forgive me if that's bad to you.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Taking a breather from a few other projects and fired up some drum loops. 3 hip hop beats at 80 bpm. Funny how they just line up like that. I added some 70's disco synth and some spooky sounds and Bingo.......spooky hip hop. Go figure.....
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Loops can be a lot of fun. Sounds like you experienced that first-hand with this track. :)

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Guest said

I'm with Caddyshack....hilarious,storming track tho' sort of prog heavy rock.Good deal. Jarvo

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another MIDI mess for my Gunslinger Project. It's short, it's sweet. Nice grand piano plugin. Added a bit of acoustic.
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Nice nice very nice!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Taking a breather from a few other projects and fired up some drum loops. 3 hip hop beats at 80 bpm. Funny how they just line up like that. I added some 70's disco synth and some spooky sounds and Bingo.......spooky hip hop. Go figure.....
Guest said

You love playing around, don't you? I really enjoyed this, very nicely done.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another MIDI mess for my Gunslinger Project. It's short, it's sweet. Nice grand piano plugin. Added a bit of acoustic.
Guest said

Ah, sitting around the camp fire! Love the atmosphere you created.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Guest said

Sounds great Paul.
