Comments on Wildgeas Music's stuff

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Taking a breather from a few other projects and fired up some drum loops. 3 hip hop beats at 80 bpm. Funny how they just line up like that. I added some 70's disco synth and some spooky sounds and Bingo.......spooky hip hop. Go figure.....
Guest said

Reminds me of Heathcliff!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another MIDI mess for my Gunslinger Project. It's short, it's sweet. Nice grand piano plugin. Added a bit of acoustic.
Guest said


Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Guest said

Love the outro.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Guest said

Sinister vox. It sounds like there are bugs and worms crawling out of your mouth when you sing this.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Guest said

This is really awesome!! Really diggin the guitar tone. Sweet!!! -JST

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Taking a breather from a few other projects and fired up some drum loops. 3 hip hop beats at 80 bpm. Funny how they just line up like that. I added some 70's disco synth and some spooky sounds and Bingo.......spooky hip hop. Go figure.....
sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

Hip hop Geas style, Way to go!!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another MIDI mess for my Gunslinger Project. It's short, it's sweet. Nice grand piano plugin. Added a bit of acoustic.
sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

You like your cowboy themes Geas,. great stuff!!!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

Well worked track and the vocal works perfectly, excellent.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Guest said

@Sis Hmm, cover Blackmore and Gillan, ME? I wish. But hey, when a lady say's please..... I know it's a blues tune in E :D ~WG

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Taking a breather from a few other projects and fired up some drum loops. 3 hip hop beats at 80 bpm. Funny how they just line up like that. I added some 70's disco synth and some spooky sounds and Bingo.......spooky hip hop. Go figure.....
Guest said

Woah, departure. But very cool!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another MIDI mess for my Gunslinger Project. It's short, it's sweet. Nice grand piano plugin. Added a bit of acoustic.
Guest said


Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Guest said

(PS - Blondie meets Deep Purple!) Please cover Strange Kind of Woman. I would *die*.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Guest said

I love your lower register vox. Very sexy.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another MIDI mess for my Gunslinger Project. It's short, it's sweet. Nice grand piano plugin. Added a bit of acoustic.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

@NA "Nunna dual Tsuny" - The trail where they cried. Only us white folk call it the trail of tears.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another MIDI mess for my Gunslinger Project. It's short, it's sweet. Nice grand piano plugin. Added a bit of acoustic.
Guest said

The guitar is particularly good,as I think that playing them on keysisdificult to makethm soundauthentic.Cool track,buzzin'.Nice one. Jarvo

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another MIDI mess for my Gunslinger Project. It's short, it's sweet. Nice grand piano plugin. Added a bit of acoustic.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Beautiful man!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Cool! Nice guitar tones!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
launched's avatar
launched said

I thought this was cool as all getout, bro! Vox were great, and I loved that guitar tone. Sweeeeeeet!!!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another MIDI mess for my Gunslinger Project. It's short, it's sweet. Nice grand piano plugin. Added a bit of acoustic.
launched's avatar
launched said

Yes - I love it.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Guest said

atleast u have the guts to sing..unlike me. heh. and as for.... It's a Goddess of War song, but the chorus is a quote from the Lama or from Bill Murry in Caddyshack, I forget. hahah
