Comments on Andrew Russe's stuff

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

One of the best songs I have heard on any internet songwriters site............ever

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

beautiful....that all i can say to this one .....beautiful

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Guest said

What can one say but, wow! This also has an Hank Williams feel in parts. The emotion of it. Seemed to be rather common in country music in his time. Gospel..soul..blues. You are quite the alchemist. This one goes on the space station with me too. :)

Andrew Russe's avatar
Electric blues. Recorded 2007. I was learning how to use my DAW and trying to figure out how a one-man-band could get to sound like a bunch of old bluesers in a sweaty bar... ***** **Rabbit Boy - A A J Russe** Well she don't mind crying…
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

great job with the chorus effect at the chorus. it really does sound like there are three or four of you :)

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Norm's avatar
Norm said


Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Man, this is a real nice track...well done.

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Greeny (Outta Here)'s avatar
Greeny (Outta Here) said

It's an absolute masterpiece... !

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Guest said

Three times lovely! Love your voice - got a great tone and some real power going on. Mix is gorgeous also.

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Guest said

very nice;)

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Geir's avatar
Geir said

This is just too good !!! Love it Andy !!!

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Guest said

Magic man!

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Like Cave street says.....Blue Rodeo, thats a good comparison, and that is a high compliment indeed, one of the best loved Canadian bands out done real good here Andy.

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Excellent work, reminds me of Blue Rodeo, one of my all-time favorite bands!

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
chesook's avatar
chesook said

Really like the chords changes and vocals.

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Perfect vocals, and a nice mellow song. Very clean recording. :)

Andrew Russe's avatar
The old tin geetar... Did this one sometime in 2009 on a Boss MBR. I'd recently joined what became and PJ (Wiley) posted a bass/drum track for us ubiquitous blues guitarists to solo over. I decided to go a different route…
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

beautiful guitar work here

Andrew Russe's avatar
This is a collaboration with a prolific chap called James Higgins (oldrottenhead on, based on an instrumental of mine from a couple of years ago: I was quietly minding my own business…
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

reminds me a little of tom petty. don't you hate when random people tell you what your song reminds you of? anyway, really nice song. all of your stuff is excellent :)

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

instant classic - really nice job!

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Guest said

Excellent! Sung like a song writer!

Andrew Russe's avatar
This is a collaboration with a prolific chap called James Higgins (oldrottenhead on, based on an instrumental of mine from a couple of years ago: I was quietly minding my own business…
Guest said

Hooky little gem.
