Comments on Brian Bazeley's stuff

Brian Bazeley's avatar
This one could use some underwater maracas.
Guest said

"Under water maracas" And a good bluesey vocal Brian, try it!

Brian Bazeley's avatar
Turn up the volume and adopt the air guitar stance.
Guest said

My goodness, you've been busy - I have a lot to catch up on. This is throaty stuff.

Brian Bazeley's avatar
This one has got a little more bass on it
Guest said

Yeah, well funked up!

Brian Bazeley's avatar
This one has got a little more bass on it
Guest said

Sweet bass punctuates this cool track!

Brian Bazeley's avatar
Get your dancing shoes on. It's Boogie time.
Guest said

I think maybe the bass needs to come forward a bit more ,I cannot hear it very clearly...some times these things loose it in translation fro m WAV to MP3 and then to posting it.

Brian Bazeley's avatar
Turn up the volume and adopt the air guitar stance.
Guest said

Oooh growly guitar!

Brian Bazeley's avatar
Turn up the volume and adopt the air guitar stance.
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate very cool dig it. Thanks for listening and commenting. Cheers.

Brian Bazeley's avatar
This one could use some underwater maracas.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

This is a good one to get me ready for the weekend. I like the progression too.

Brian Bazeley's avatar
Turn up the volume and adopt the air guitar stance.
launched's avatar
launched said

The name alone got my undivided attention! :) Sweeeeeeeeeet!!!!

Brian Bazeley's avatar
This one could use some underwater maracas.
Guest said

what are underwater maracas? lol I like this one too...

Brian Bazeley's avatar
This one has got the main riff tagged on the end. In need of piano, Vocals, Philamonic orchestra, ect ect.
Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

This is just terrific! Now that my little ones are 5, 7, and 10, I can look back and laugh at the repetitive questioning... I almost miss it... Almost.

Brian Bazeley's avatar
This track needs some kick bottom drums. Some lead would be nice, and of course some french horn. As for vocals that goes without saying. Looking at you Sis.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Cool jam. Looking at you Sis :)

Brian Bazeley's avatar
This track needs some kick bottom drums. Some lead would be nice, and of course some french horn. As for vocals that goes without saying. Looking at you Sis.
Guest said

Shweeet riff! (:-) You flatterererer.)

Brian Bazeley's avatar
You have to listen to this one to the end. It goes mental. Thanks Jarvis for letting me add, (Hopefully), something to this amazing track. (No pun intended).
Guest said

Pretty cool Bass playing here,it adds a lift without taking the attemted simplicity away,nice job Baz. Jarvo

Brian Bazeley's avatar
Another little riffet. Feel free to add harpsichord.
Guest said


Brian Bazeley's avatar
You have to listen to this one to the end. It goes mental. Thanks Jarvis for letting me add, (Hopefully), something to this amazing track. (No pun intended).
Guest said

Knock yourself out fellahs,look forward to hearing Wildgeas additionals. 80)

Brian Bazeley's avatar
You have to listen to this one to the end. It goes mental. Thanks Jarvis for letting me add, (Hopefully), something to this amazing track. (No pun intended).
Guest said

Yes, very cool! Love that bass! (Shamefully took me ages to spot the pun.)

Brian Bazeley's avatar
You have to listen to this one to the end. It goes mental. Thanks Jarvis for letting me add, (Hopefully), something to this amazing track. (No pun intended).
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Would you guys mind if I jump in to this little ditty? I'm talkin' Harmonica, washboard, hardcore plastic tamborine, maybe even some genuine imitation banjo. Drop me a line.

Brian Bazeley's avatar
Another little riffet. Feel free to add harpsichord.
Guest said

BRILLIANT riff. Makes me think "You don't know what you're missing". Hope this one flies!

Brian Bazeley's avatar
If this song could have babies it would be triplets. (I have no idea what that means either).
Guest said

@Wildgeas - Yes! Great! Mr Tolar might also lay down some lead squeals. Could be a mahoosive Alonetone collab! :-)
