Comments on Gary Fox's stuff

Gary Fox's avatar
Allelujiah-This was supposed to be a completely different song, but this one just wrote itself instead. It’s almost all first take, except for the bass, which took a while to get straight so that it wouldn’t overwhelm the song. It has this tone…
Guest said


Gary Fox's avatar
This Lovin’ Cup- I was watching the idiot box and just holding my guitar when this little vamp on a B chord came out of nowhere. Using the same recorder, I recorded about 20 seconds of the riff. The lyrical idea came on the trip to Chicago, while…
Guest said

Rock N Roll!!

Gary Fox's avatar
Well, Well, Well- There is still unadulterated, unabashed love in the world. Yes, the song is masculine sounding, no shock there, since I am a guy. However, despite a friend’s comments to the contrary, I didn’t intend this song to be about getting…
Guest said

Great tune and mix.

Gary Fox's avatar
Well, Well, Well- There is still unadulterated, unabashed love in the world. Yes, the song is masculine sounding, no shock there, since I am a guy. However, despite a friend’s comments to the contrary, I didn’t intend this song to be about getting…
Guest said

So good man!!

Gary Fox's avatar
Allelujiah-This was supposed to be a completely different song, but this one just wrote itself instead. It’s almost all first take, except for the bass, which took a while to get straight so that it wouldn’t overwhelm the song. It has this tone…
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Hey Gary - I listened to your album on the RPM jukebox, and this is my favorite so far. I'll probably change my mind later, but I like the harmonies you did, and I find myself singing the chorous at random times. Well done, sir. I liked all the songs and I'll be loading them into my MP player once I finish downloading. Regards. ER

Gary Fox's avatar
Allelujiah-This was supposed to be a completely different song, but this one just wrote itself instead. It’s almost all first take, except for the bass, which took a while to get straight so that it wouldn’t overwhelm the song. It has this tone…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Excellent! Loving the new tracks man! They're helping me through the tedium of the shop today!

Gary Fox's avatar
Matter Of Fate- This song started as a riff I was doing while tuning my guitar. It sounded cool, so I happened to record it on a small dictation recorder I have so I wouldn’t forget it. When I listened to the riff it just screamed Sticky Fingers…
Soar's avatar
Soar said

Good riff!! Handclaps are a nice touch too!

Gary Fox's avatar
Figure Out- There are about 4-5 takes of this song, all different. The song started off in the key of D, but I couldn’t hit the notes in the chorus. I then tried it in A, but it was lacking drive and energy. I tried it in G, but I couldn’t get…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very cool textures with all those guitar parts!

Gary Fox's avatar
Matter Of Fate- This song started as a riff I was doing while tuning my guitar. It sounded cool, so I happened to record it on a small dictation recorder I have so I wouldn’t forget it. When I listened to the riff it just screamed Sticky Fingers…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Nice one man!

Gary Fox's avatar
Keep Shining Through- Last minute lyrics…kind of a cop-out, since it’s a song about song-writing. I didn’t have any better ideas and after losing so much time from the outage I had to just bust out what I could. It was pretty much written on the…
Guest said

Amazing foxy RPM album! How can so much fun be free? 2010 is an awesome year. Can feel summer early. Also loving the retro vibe - maybe it's just me, but there's a great 60s feelgood vibe in here.

Gary Fox's avatar
Well, Well, Well- There is still unadulterated, unabashed love in the world. Yes, the song is masculine sounding, no shock there, since I am a guy. However, despite a friend’s comments to the contrary, I didn’t intend this song to be about getting…
Guest said

"I didn’t intend this song to be about getting naked and f*ing in the grass somewhere. If that’s what someone wants it to be, fine with me, enjoy yourself or, preferably, you and your partner enjoy yourselves with this song as the soundtrack." *inspired*

Gary Fox's avatar
Derivative- This one was not supposed to be on the album, but I changed my mind and worked on it. The reason for the intended omission was because the riff, which I have been playing with for a few months, just sounded so derivative of Dear Prudence…
Guest said

Wow...this is incredibly inventive! Bet it was tricky getting it right, but you completely nailed it!

Gary Fox's avatar
Summer Grass- I didn’t originally intend for this to be the title track, but since most, though not all, of the songs on this album sound like summer to me, I decided, why not? The guitar even sounds humid and warm, but in that nice July way…
Guest said

Gorgeous - sublime song-writing. Maybe would work as a duet also? Excellent...

Gary Fox's avatar
Allelujiah-This was supposed to be a completely different song, but this one just wrote itself instead. It’s almost all first take, except for the bass, which took a while to get straight so that it wouldn’t overwhelm the song. It has this tone…
Guest said

What a summer anthem! And GREAT driving music!

Gary Fox's avatar
Love’s Standing- A good change up for the flow of the album, this one is vaguely, very vaguely, country-esque. That’s mainly because of the heavily reverbed slide underneath the acoustic in the verses. I love pounding the strings on the acoustic…
Guest said

I love those melodic flourishes you just casually throw in to your music. Very clever and a complete delight to hear.

Gary Fox's avatar
Figure Out- There are about 4-5 takes of this song, all different. The song started off in the key of D, but I couldn’t hit the notes in the chorus. I then tried it in A, but it was lacking drive and energy. I tried it in G, but I couldn’t get…
Guest said

The whole production and performance on this track (and probably all of them!) is fantastic, but I love the chorus especially. Vocals are top notch!

Gary Fox's avatar
This Lovin’ Cup- I was watching the idiot box and just holding my guitar when this little vamp on a B chord came out of nowhere. Using the same recorder, I recorded about 20 seconds of the riff. The lyrical idea came on the trip to Chicago, while…
Guest said

Classy old skool feel-good rock! Rock how it's meant to be.

Gary Fox's avatar
This Lovin’ Cup- I was watching the idiot box and just holding my guitar when this little vamp on a B chord came out of nowhere. Using the same recorder, I recorded about 20 seconds of the riff. The lyrical idea came on the trip to Chicago, while…
Guest said

Guitartastic :)

Gary Fox's avatar
Matter Of Fate- This song started as a riff I was doing while tuning my guitar. It sounded cool, so I happened to record it on a small dictation recorder I have so I wouldn’t forget it. When I listened to the riff it just screamed Sticky Fingers…
Guest said

I'm picking up serious Boston vibes from this.. Maybe throw in a little Rolling Stones for good measure.

Gary Fox's avatar
Love’s Standing- A good change up for the flow of the album, this one is vaguely, very vaguely, country-esque. That’s mainly because of the heavily reverbed slide underneath the acoustic in the verses. I love pounding the strings on the acoustic…
Guest said

Ya'll nailed this tune.
