Glu and Sister Savage bring you these remixes!
Original track by Sister Savage:
This one is pure pop. Voice pitched 1/2 step up.
I recorded four minutes of bird life in a bamboo patch during my last day in the Amazon.
I arranged the string section with single note samples of cellos performed by the Philharmonic Orchestra.
This song was made with only two short bird samples.
1) A wild screaming pija and 2)parrot. I made it last night after taking an antihistamine for all the chigger bites. paz.
Glu and Sister Savage bring you these remixes!
Original track by Sister Savage:
I added melodies to the initial track and then Sister Savage
rerecorded the vocals to match the new melody.
"Move your body to the drumbeat of war..."
I will update with lyrics later, this song is a work in progress but I wanted to get it online before I start hating it. Did you really think I would end the year without a political song? Jingo Bells…
This one's for that little black and tan, Nahannah.
I said nahnay nahnay nahnay hey
how'd you get so good
how'd you get so good
I said nahnay nahnay nahnay hey
how'd you get so good
how'd you get so good
first thing this…
Sudara mentioned yesterday that the new Logic had super cool guitar stuff. This is me checking it out.
Two guitar tracks, using just the double phaser, simple amp model and an insane space designer preset.
Used one of the mastering presets…
Several years ago I had a short lived duo with an oboe and English horn player named Nat. This is a demo from that period. It's an old old chord progression of mine that never really had a melody and Nat improvised this melody in the studio to…
Experimenting with my piano/keyboard skillz and a first attempt at record clapping. Needs a good go over with some quality drums and some better arranging. Everything sounds very "synthy" on account of I don't have any quality VSTi at the moment.
I spent the day skrewing around with this Roumanian Minor scale again. I am really testing layered drums on this one, Toms mostly.
There's a lot happening. Acoustic, Strat, Bass, 4 Juno tracks, and all kinds of percussion.
Only a two chord change…
I was baptized by the Deep Goddess, she anointed me with her blood and I healed the world.
Dream: I was the savior of a dying, post apocalyptic world. My job was to go into the basement of a large demolited building. When I got down to the…
I was baptized by the Deep Goddess, she anointed me with her blood and I healed the world.
Dream: I was the savior of a dying, post apocalyptic world. My job was to go into the basement of a large demolited building. When I got down to the…
Left over audio from "How to Glu"
This one is about power and resistence.. which I find to be quite sexy when I think about it.
Instrumentation: distorted and clean acoustic guitar, swords, tabla, synth, drum programming, clapping, vocals.
@ ic42.. I think the hopes of change after a revolution fades out.. so in a way it's kind of a poetic ending.. maybe not though.. maybe it needs to go out with an explosion.. will think about it. Thanks for the comments.. and that goes for all of you! Really appreciate it!
A track created for a character called Rainy, on the North walk (entitled "Life Is Monumental") of "Charm City Remix", a site-specific narrative by Kianga Ford.
Soundtrack for the video version of a shadow puppet show ("Awake", below, was an excerpt/prototype for this piece). A link to the YouTube video of the show is below!
I told the [good Sister]( that I wanted to try using vocals in a track and she offered to do me some abstract, stylized, vocals that I could play with and this little number is the result.
Working with wet (pre…
Well now, this is actually a very old track, made back in March '09 and not that long after I started learning piano.
I was learning a very simple 12-bar blues piece and getting bored with the piano sound I started messing about with the Logic…
Comments on glu's stuff
Still one of my favorite tracks on alonetone. So soothing and funky.
me encanta.
genial :)
This is beautiful!
Still dig your tunes where have you gone
I'm still very proud of these remixes - time has flown. Sincerely hope you're making music somewhere, glubot.
This is a great track where are man.
"World class rock from the middle of nowhere." Hey, please check out my demos: Thanks a bunch.
Dark and wonderful. I like it.
Great song, I've been on a kick recently where I enjoy tight, immediate, sparse grooves in pop/rock songs.
How did I ever miss this? Totally dig! w;-)
Anyone know if Glu is still doing anything... anywhere else maybe? Some really good artists keep disappearing from here.
beautiful one
almost reminds me of Tool
love your music Glu!!
Comments made by glu
just want to plug this one again! Love it!!
What a lush sound! More of this please. It's the perfect soundtrack to my rainy day.
Thanks for digging this up Captain, it's a very nice piece.
Just lovely!
Love it.. especially that bass! I want the track to be twice as long, but I'll take what I can get! nice work.
damn fine wall of sound!
hahaha I'll start slapping that virtual sticker all over my stuff! Love it!
everything is cool, mate. don't fall off the wagon. be my inspiration!
haha the track description was updated with the "Dream" since I last saw/listened to this one. wowza
really liking this one. perfect mood you've captured there.
love the story behind this one.
@ ic42.. I think the hopes of change after a revolution fades out.. so in a way it's kind of a poetic ending.. maybe not though.. maybe it needs to go out with an explosion.. will think about it. Thanks for the comments.. and that goes for all of you! Really appreciate it!
man, I'd love an album full of this stuff...
Amazing. and I haven't even made it to the video yet.
really dig this one.
As I said in Campfire chat, you have successfully reproduced aural hallucinations, my friend!
OMG hahahaha
gorgeous!!!! WOW!
Lalo, it would be an honor!! I'll start searching through your extensive catalog soon! So many rich sounds.. so many choices. :-)
damn Lalo, this is awesome!