Growing up is hard.
For everyone.
I once had a Facebook Friend named Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick. A poet, from Midland, Texas, doing advanced studies at Sarah Lawrence. She was so good she could write a hundred pages about how she couldn…
One night after three month of no rain, as we were driving home from singing at Gringos in Grapevine a splash of water hit the windshield.
I said to myself, "Sweet Rain."
I went home and wrote the song. It's on the soundtrack of a movie called…
can you still get a copy of the recording of sweet rain by texas water? I did not see it on the soundtrack for vanishing? Please let me know-email me at
Something just broke and I think it's my heart
It wasn't an arrow. It wasn't a dart
It mighta been a meter that tore it apart
But, something just broke and I think it's my heart
A bedside bomb with no alarm…
We were shooting this movie one day when they needed a song for a dance scene. I said, "I wrote a song that might fit here." The director agreed and I ended up getting to write all the music for that movie, RED DESERT PENITENTIARY. directed by…
One night after three month of no rain, as we were driving home from singing at Gringos in Grapevine a splash of water hit the windshield.
I said to myself, "Sweet Rain."
I went home and wrote the song. It's on the soundtrack of a movie called…
Something just broke and I think it's my heart
It wasn't an arrow. It wasn't a dart
It mighta been a meter that tore it apart
But, something just broke and I think it's my heart
A bedside bomb with no alarm…
...after reading John Steinbeck's IN DUBIOUS BATTLE and watching the John Ford movie of GRAPES OF WRATH. The opening and closing statements are quotes from the Preacher in the movie.
A friend said he wanted to do a video of this track. I…
This track is from the 1986 Scartaglen album "The Middle Path". The first tune "Jezaig" was composed by Breton musician Gilles Le Bigot. The second tune is one of the "Cantigas de Santa Maria" and is attributed to King Alfonso X of Spain
Love song about strife in relationships....the song needs more work; gotta redo the vocals....nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it. Here are the lyrics:
Beyond the horizon,
The sun burns bright…
A 3 track improvisation on 7 congas roughly tuned by ear to a chromatic scale.
I walked a mile with Pleasure;
She chatted all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.
I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne…
Poor old Reg is feeling a bit insignificant after being unseen by a woman he liked the look of who turned out to be only interested in the material things she could's a shame but there seems to be a lot of them out there and Love doesn…
Lyrics and Chords:
Winter Solstice
Written by Greg Connor
When the G days are short, and the C evening’s so D long
And the C wind is D shaking the G trees
When the cold snow crunches C beneath your D feet
And your C cheeks are D…
There are things I cannot do without x2
And if I ever run out of the things I cannot do without
I'll run to the nearest 'things I cannot do without' store
And I'll run in and I'll buy some x2
And if someday their running out
Of the things…
Lyrics and Chords:
Winter Solstice
Written by Greg Connor
When the G days are short, and the C evening’s so D long
And the C wind is D shaking the G trees
When the cold snow crunches C beneath your D feet
And your C cheeks are D…
Spare a thought for those with nothing this Christmas..... Homeless with no family.........and no one to help.......
Nobody is listening no body knocking on my door
nobody is near me nobody wants me
i’m nobody’s…
~ Observation Affects Reality ~ (as used to say Schrödinger's cat)
Schrödinger's cat: A pussycat, along with a flask containing a poison and a radioactive source, is placed in a sealed box shielded against environmentally induced quantum decoherence…
Sounds like the day after all the snow began to melt and the sun came out and it all evaporated, the mist blocking the sun...the light dancing in the chemistry of the x-snowflakes...
Cover of a 19th century minstrel tune attributed to S.S. Steele, popularize by the late great John Hartford. This is my own arrangement. I use it as a backing track for alive set without the banjo and lead vocal tracks.
BTW- that banjo is an…
Very nice. Vibrant vocal and the blend of guitar and banjo is very sunny. Has me wanting to sing along in harmony. Great guitar sound on the break. Here comes the it.
Sorry about the load up. I've got 40 CDs and I'm trying to get them all uploaded so when people want to hear a song they will all be available.
Comments on James Michael Taylor's stuff
Just beautiful!!
can you still get a copy of the recording of sweet rain by texas water? I did not see it on the soundtrack for vanishing? Please let me know-email me at
Love it!
Your lyrics are wonderful. This is so poignant.
Another cracking song - love your voice!
Beautiful song.
Just don't break the vocal chords. Love it.
Awright yawl! JMT is here!
Comments made by James Michael Taylor
Sounds very old English. Like Bert Jentz or John Rhenborn. Like it. Very nice guitar sound.
I wanna see the video that goes with this.
Haunting. I wish your voice was louder so I could hear all your words.
Like it.
If I could play drums like this my rhythm tracks would be much better. Enjoy just sitting back and listening to the many tones and varied rhythms.
Great "attitude"!
Very pretty. Great mix.
Beautiful . I'd like to hear it mixed with the voice as clear as the guitar.
This sounds like a tribal gathering. Perfect background for a moonlit African night.
Very Beatle beginning...
Beautiful...very touching...sitting here playing along.
Cool. The child in the adult is for wonder.
Cool. The child in the adult is for wonder.
Love the treatment, It sounded like a didgeridoo at first. And thank you for listening to my song snd commenting.
Love it...
So evocative. We who are alone see pictures when we hear things like this...swirling sounds and longing gathered into the dark wet blanket of sand...
Very nice.
Very pretty.
Sounds like the day after all the snow began to melt and the sun came out and it all evaporated, the mist blocking the sun...the light dancing in the chemistry of the x-snowflakes...
Very nice. Vibrant vocal and the blend of guitar and banjo is very sunny. Has me wanting to sing along in harmony. Great guitar sound on the break. Here comes the it. Sorry about the load up. I've got 40 CDs and I'm trying to get them all uploaded so when people want to hear a song they will all be available.