Back to basics here. recorded with the Yeti mic.
Ramblin' round your city,ramblin' round your town
I never see a friend I know
As I go ramblin' round boys
As I go ramblin' round
My sweetheart and my parents I left in my old hometown…
Back to basics here. recorded with the Yeti mic.
Ramblin' round your city,ramblin' round your town
I never see a friend I know
As I go ramblin' round boys
As I go ramblin' round
My sweetheart and my parents I left in my old hometown…
Back to basics here. recorded with the Yeti mic.
Ramblin' round your city,ramblin' round your town
I never see a friend I know
As I go ramblin' round boys
As I go ramblin' round
My sweetheart and my parents I left in my old hometown…
Back to basics here. recorded with the Yeti mic.
Ramblin' round your city,ramblin' round your town
I never see a friend I know
As I go ramblin' round boys
As I go ramblin' round
My sweetheart and my parents I left in my old hometown…
Back to basics here. recorded with the Yeti mic.
Ramblin' round your city,ramblin' round your town
I never see a friend I know
As I go ramblin' round boys
As I go ramblin' round
My sweetheart and my parents I left in my old hometown…
Back to basics here. recorded with the Yeti mic.
Ramblin' round your city,ramblin' round your town
I never see a friend I know
As I go ramblin' round boys
As I go ramblin' round
My sweetheart and my parents I left in my old hometown…
Back to basics here. recorded with the Yeti mic.
Ramblin' round your city,ramblin' round your town
I never see a friend I know
As I go ramblin' round boys
As I go ramblin' round
My sweetheart and my parents I left in my old hometown…
Seems to me....this would be best played through 2- 18" speakers sitting on either side of the middle of nowhere....having consumed some type of fungus. ;) Just saying...ha ha....great song man....
john lee hooker, I SHOULD be listening to too much of him. I feel I leave out so much of the rhythmical aspects of the guitar. You can have a louder than drums sound from a guitar and if you can work your way around that there guitar you can definitely add more than what drums have to offer. Excellent song here Kavin. Cheerz.
Mellow morning mist fall
Melting into day
This summer said son, you are lazy
Don’t follow any example, break every rule
After awhile you’ll find it’s so easy to do
Just stay within the limits of your love
Soon the air will turn colder…
Sunday aftnoon (11/09/08) took the reso down to the Fort Worth Modern Art Museum and recorded some doodling inside the Serra sculpture Vortex. No effects added, all natural reverb inside the structure.
A fingerpicky tune from the old days.
The different guitar voices (nylon string classical and Guild 12-string) were attained using a Line 6 Variax 600 modeling guitar. Great for recording, but I returned it because of some minor issues.
Easter Sunday,, soft bubbly white clouds float across a pale blue sky,, above a green green field, filled with rows of those who have passed away,,, my mother and father lie in one such.... fresh flowers, quiet, and sometimes not so, words drift…
Written and Recorded April 22, 2010
Buddah defined compassion as "a trembling of the heart."
Details: Epiphone Les Paul (DADGAD/DADGAD Capo VII), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, EBow, Audacity.
I couldn't resist crossing swords with Alex on this deft song of his which left me quite touchéd!
*Inspired in part at least by accidental meat on meat.*
Here's the original track.
I’ll stand above this cliff
And offer up my soul
Would there be an end to pain
To jump in to this hole
Could this be goodbye
If there’s a light below me
Will it set me free
Could I fly today
Is this my only option
At a recent charity event held in my small town's train museum, I was admiring a massive brass train bell when the curator walked up to me. I commented that a bell would really rather be heard then seen, and he agreed. I offered to digitally record…
Time for a little humor. I had my wisdom teeth pulled last year, and the pain was debilitating. When I got the right pain meds, I felt so much better that I wrote this song. Colin added his considerable vocal talents and his harmonica and brought…
Furry car tires, I played a Epiphone then, Ice cream grew on trees, then everyone became fanatical about Hummus, I like Hummus but I lost the argument.
Improvisation is what I love, finding out about things (when there is a little time).
I also post the video where I have used it in. Hedgehogs were here last year in our garden, and now they start coming back from hibernation. Uk, the hedgehog…
Recorded in 2007, this track features Amanda Monaco on Guitar and Anthony Cekay on Saxophone. This is our take on Joe Zawinul's famous tune "In A Silent Way."
1776...a stalemate over Bostontown, Colonel Knox reminds General Washington of some cannon left at Fort Ticonderoga in upstate New York and asks if he and some hearties could go fetch them so they could have half a chance against the British…
Her real name isn't Luanne and she was so drunk when this all happened (tho she has a cd with this song on it) she has no idea it's about her.
Singing this song always makes me cry...
ABOUT LUANNE capo @ 2 in Am
Am G F E repeats
This spooky track utilizes the "Paulstretch" program to stretch recordings of gongs, chimes and bells to 8.04 times their native length: no other effects were made to these acoustic recordings other than to stretch them. The gongs utilized are…
Comments on kavin.'s stuff
Nice one!
Ah, that's cute!
That was great mate very cool.
Woody Guthrie AND Kavin... One hell of a nice recipe for music.
Nice one! the mic has a good sound for this song !
strange but familiar... well played :)
space surfin'
play me a Woody duet
cool ole tune.
@ 4:30 pretty stunning work
Seems to me....this would be best played through 2- 18" speakers sitting on either side of the middle of nowhere....having consumed some type of fungus. ;) Just saying...ha ha....great song man....
Nice jammin going on here man!
john lee hooker, I SHOULD be listening to too much of him. I feel I leave out so much of the rhythmical aspects of the guitar. You can have a louder than drums sound from a guitar and if you can work your way around that there guitar you can definitely add more than what drums have to offer. Excellent song here Kavin. Cheerz.
Very tender and powerful. Beautiful work.
This stuff is great.
Excellent. The outro IS incredible.
Ooooo... this is nice!
sounds preet crazy man, wish i could see what the inside looks like...i will have to google it in a minute...
Soooo....old-days kavin was a bad ass in pratice...and now your just a bad ass right? ;) Slide sounds sweet in this one.
when i first was listening i was going to say "hey could i add lead to this?" then the 4 min mark hit....nevermind....hahah...
Comments made by kavin.
thanks buddy. My daughter has been enjoying your tunes.
Thanks to whomever for bringing this to the fore again. Love Doug's stuff.
My favorite BC song (there are many) and you did it justice.
...I'd take my rod to the sea. (sorry) Great song!
That bass line has an acoustic sound to it, then processed? Cool.
Nice groove there. Shades of Santana without the guitar of course.
I'll keep saying it! Great great song!
What a warm tone, nice job.
Rockin colab yawl. Pass the percodan.
I've given up favoriting all your tracks, I'll just bookmark your page. Amusing comments too.
Are you playing guitar or are these samples? It's ok either way if you dont want to reveal..
Welcome to the party! You've posted some incredibly good stuff!
Wonderful cover of the great ENO. Only 9 listens?
nice blend of kybd voices.
Oh yes one of my PF faves. Added to my alonetone PF playlist.
Lovely, plaintive, good ending.
Love the historical theme. Makes for great folk music.
hmmm, wonder whoo...
Very cool use of PS!