Comments on launched's stuff

launched's avatar
Welp... I didn't do a feckin' thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin'. So I figured I'd beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it. A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :) One take in the MBR hole... I'll…
Guest said

Rock and roll!!!

launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
Guest said

This is awesome!

launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
Mud Octave's avatar
Mud Octave said

listening to miles davis? lovely

launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
emorej's avatar
emorej said

nice guitar playing

launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
Guest said


launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
Guest said

That has a nice ring to it. Illegal Alien Autopsy Witch Dissection.

launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
Guest said

:) Rock on!!! (- -) \m/_ v _\m/

launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
Guest said

guitar sounds great man! Love the rhythm changes too. Kinda reminds me of symphony x. Nice work!

launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
Guest said

Wild bass and lead, Rocks.

launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
Guest said

Crikey! That's one hell of a diversion. This old lady is quaking in her boots.

launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
Guest said

Wow! this is fuckin' excellent!!!

launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
Guest said

Peters off...

launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
transmit's avatar
transmit said

Kind of got a Dave Mustaine quality to the vocals, very cool!

launched's avatar
Welp... I didn't do a feckin' thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin'. So I figured I'd beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it. A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :) One take in the MBR hole... I'll…
Guest said

It's goo-oo-ood. Like the lyrics a lot too.

launched's avatar
Welp... I didn't do a feckin' thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin'. So I figured I'd beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it. A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :) One take in the MBR hole... I'll…
Guest said

this song has a lot of merit. it's very, very hippie sounding. I love it man. don't doubt yourself. ...and singing about that infamous Avatar.

launched's avatar
Welp... I didn't do a feckin' thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin'. So I figured I'd beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it. A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :) One take in the MBR hole... I'll…
Guest said

Careful. Aliens' blood is very toxic.

launched's avatar
Welp... I didn't do a feckin' thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin'. So I figured I'd beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it. A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :) One take in the MBR hole... I'll…
Guest said

Ha, feel better now? Nice, energetic sound here.

launched's avatar
Welp... I didn't do a feckin' thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin'. So I figured I'd beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it. A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :) One take in the MBR hole... I'll…
Guest said

it was super! I think I tend to over write when I do lyrics. but I love what you've done here.

launched's avatar
Welp... I didn't do a feckin' thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin'. So I figured I'd beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it. A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :) One take in the MBR hole... I'll…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

This Rocks!!! Love the melody...very Beach Boy-esque.

launched's avatar
Welp... I didn't do a feckin' thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin'. So I figured I'd beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it. A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :) One take in the MBR hole... I'll…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

I want an electric version!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great stuff!
