This is a recording from my i phone off my back deck at home in Mill Valley tonight. Everyone howls at 8 pm for 1 minute in solidarity for the healthcare providers during this pandemic with COVID 19. its been going on for over 2 weeks now…
Norm played the percussion first, which is a Bembe pattern; I couldnt help playing a melody and creating lyrics for this perc track. Thanks for the listen, Enjoy!
Norm played the percussion first, which is a Bembe pattern; I couldnt help playing a melody and creating lyrics for this perc track. Thanks for the listen, Enjoy!
Tworegs visited and we couldn't help but get at least one colaboration song done in the studio. I wish we would have had time to get some other songs he wrote in SF recorded in my studio but I was out of town during part of his stay, and to be…
Tworegs visited and we couldn't help but get at least one colaboration song done in the studio. I wish we would have had time to get some other songs he wrote in SF recorded in my studio but I was out of town during part of his stay, and to be…
Tworegs visited and we couldn't help but get at least one colaboration song done in the studio. I wish we would have had time to get some other songs he wrote in SF recorded in my studio but I was out of town during part of his stay, and to be…
Working through a barrage of songs over two different computers. thought I posted this already but its not on AT. (?)
A little re-tooling on this one today as well.
Enjoy- Reef
Another recent song somehow not posted to AT (?) cleaning house this weekend.
Had the privilege of playing around with a cello in the house.
Dont know how to play the damn thing but too fun not adding it in the mix
This is a true story. Im pretty sure this guy still has a taxi job on the night shift in Denver.
Too long since I’ve posted a song. Most importantly, I got Norm to dust off the skins and record some percussion for me. Good to hear Norm and…
I have Bodysnatchers and There There that I always play back to back in my car. To this day. Not sure why I do that. But now I know. Excellent performance, wicked harmonies!
After several bottles of wine, thetworegs and I were able to coerce Elvis and a few others down in regs basement to come out for a long overdue collab. After all, isn't October collab month?
Thanks again for the great vox!!
After several bottles of wine, thetworegs and I were able to coerce Elvis and a few others down in regs basement to come out for a long overdue collab. After all, isn't October collab month?
Thanks again for the great vox!!
Hey Norm there was a knock on the door late last night and guess who was standing there all sultry and pouty .... yes .... you know who! .... it was her wanting in ..... I looked her in the eye and told her to go .... as she turned to leave I noticed her dress was so short I could see her stocking tops ...... I called her name .... Desirea she turned and smiled.........
This is a recording of Norm and me playing together a few months ago. I didnt have any percussion instruments so Norm was on a Roland electric trap set and I had a cello. I looped some of the stuff we did that night, and retrofitted the rest…
The music reminds me of a scene from the streets of San Francisco then Karl Malden’s nose comes into my mind and my mind suddenly goes over the hills and far away ...I like it.
Norm played the percussion first, which is a Bembe pattern; I couldnt help playing a melody and creating lyrics for this perc track. Thanks for the listen, Enjoy!
This is a recording of Norm and me playing together a few months ago. I didnt have any percussion instruments so Norm was on a Roland electric trap set and I had a cello. I looped some of the stuff we did that night, and retrofitted the rest…
I recorded the sound samples at St Marks Basilica on the spot....the story you are about to hear is true; not even the names have changed to protect the innocent.
You pretty much made this an original, I am mesmerized. So cool! The little clean break at the end is magic. Yes, I want to be your dog. And your puppy lol!
Improvisation on congas and very fragile, clay Moroccan bongos (which my brother found for me from an African display at some zoo!). These bongos are basically clay pots with permanent, very thin goat skins stretched over the top - they can not…
This is the first tune I wrote using an actual loop pedal. I really like the rawness of its form. The sound is sharp, it kind of attacks your ear.. but then after it loops around a few times, it calms down and sinks in..
I expect that there will…
This is one track where I can say, without reservation, that I am really happy with how it came out.
I worked up a beat I liked with 3 Stylus RMX parts making good use of chaos and time designer for the breaks.
For the first time I really…
Written and Recorded April 18, 2010
Some people accidentally delete tracks...I accidentally kept this one :)
Details: Epiphone Les Paul (DADGAD, Capo III), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, Audacity.
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys.
I was at a friends house and saw a little…
I was baptized by the Deep Goddess, she anointed me with her blood and I healed the world.
Dream: I was the savior of a dying, post apocalyptic world. My job was to go into the basement of a large demolited building. When I got down to the…
Just another cover of one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite musicians. Yes, the entire song is written in haiku. I'm not really sure how she does it, but Sam can make words dance.
Improvisation on Gon-Bops congas, while thinking of future days gone by.
4/4 180bpm.
A cool wind brings the fall
And the season starts to change.
Outside the sky's steel grey.
Inside my heart is too.
And I don't know how to…
Rell Sunn, the Queen of Makaha, was a beautiful spirit and graceful surfer who lives in the hearts of all who knew her before she was called back home.
Comments on Reefwalker's stuff
It’s that could round here that should be what we’re hearing outside 😂
Great music to edit photographs too
Fun breezy collab!
Glad you guys was able to get into the studio with Reg’s intense touring schedule! Chris
It’s a shame we didn’t have longer but we did have a lot of fun with the time we had did a great job on this
My two words … fucking yeah!
Mine just attacked me while I was watching it carefully in the mirror it’s true it must hate me
Really loving this one today guys -Launched
I have Bodysnatchers and There There that I always play back to back in my car. To this day. Not sure why I do that. But now I know. Excellent performance, wicked harmonies!
Sounds awesome
Don't do it Reg!
Me likey some Funk!! ...
Hey Norm there was a knock on the door late last night and guess who was standing there all sultry and pouty .... yes .... you know who! .... it was her wanting in ..... I looked her in the eye and told her to go .... as she turned to leave I noticed her dress was so short I could see her stocking tops ...... I called her name .... Desirea she turned and smiled.........
The music reminds me of a scene from the streets of San Francisco then Karl Malden’s nose comes into my mind and my mind suddenly goes over the hills and far away ...I like it.
I just got the lyrics of this song tattooed down the right side of my ribcage.
@Norm, lol. Now under water.
I've caught some of those . Nice clean mix and production.
You pretty much made this an original, I am mesmerized. So cool! The little clean break at the end is magic. Yes, I want to be your dog. And your puppy lol!
Comments made by Reefwalker
tight, and sprinkled with some interesting perc's brotha !
sustain or loop FX's can be hard to work with at first pass but you did a really good job here and the result is a fantastic and unusual trip
Beautiful song, great production and balance too.
great song, love the intro and the crunchy keys
Great song! nice
I think the flute tie in was a great idea, the lyrics are cool and nostalgic too, great track
smooth and well put together. Great track
great soundscape, The indian flavor fits in great with the piano track
Great guitar riffs. Sweet metal lead man
interesting, captivating song.
wow, very cool. another great song ACL !
I like the soundscape. The keys sound cool with the rain backdrop
Another flashing chance at bliss...I love The Doors, this is a very creative cover -
Clean guitar and vocals, great tune.
Nice true blue percussion track, congas rock !
great smokes ! fantastic live club show feel. Im gonna light a cigar !
Yes, this is just fantastic. Great collab. I have listened for a while before comment. very faved. pro song
great crunchy energy !!
Cant help looking at my big board while listening to this one. Wish I was out in the surf now. Wonderful feel to this song.
Fun song, Nice build up. I also like keeping the band chatter at the end, Cool