Comments on Rick Phillips's stuff

Rick Phillips's avatar
Just lovin my wonderful guitar!
Guest said

Just lovin the wonderful sounds you make with it. Great playing - beautiful tone!

Rick Phillips's avatar
Just lovin my wonderful guitar!
Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

So nice. You get a great sound out of those six strings, sir.

Rick Phillips's avatar
Just lovin my wonderful guitar!
Guest said

feelin' the love

Rick Phillips's avatar
Since Norm found himself in an acoustically great room, full of unfinished cabinets I couldn't help but add some acoustic guitar, crank it up and hope you like it Norm!
Guest's avatar
Guest said

Very sweet! Lovely guitarplay! cool drums as well!

Rick Phillips's avatar
Piano versus vibraphone in Expedition1....just because you can with the click of a mouse change the feel!
Guest's avatar
Guest said

cool combination of melodies!

Rick Phillips's avatar
Just lovin my wonderful guitar!
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Yep- she's a beaut a for sure. Nice stuff Rick!

Rick Phillips's avatar
Just lovin my wonderful guitar!
Norm's avatar
Norm said


Rick Phillips's avatar
Just lovin my wonderful guitar!
Guest said

Yes, wonderful tone. I love mine too but Ha, I'm rubbish compared to you. Great stuff, well played.

Rick Phillips's avatar
Just lovin my wonderful guitar!
Guest's avatar
Guest said

I totally agree with the last comment!

Rick Phillips's avatar
Just lovin my wonderful guitar!
Jane Gould's avatar
Jane Gould said

guitars always get my attention ILIKE

Rick Phillips's avatar
This is my first musical expedition into the midi keyboard. Having never played the piano its a fun learning experience. Thanks to Norm for lending me Stinkbug!
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

cool - very interesting choice of timbre :) keep exploring with the midi - it's like trading in you eight used crayons for a brand new box of crayola 128. so much fun!

Rick Phillips's avatar
Piano versus vibraphone in Expedition1....just because you can with the click of a mouse change the feel!
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very cool track man!

Rick Phillips's avatar
Piano versus vibraphone in Expedition1....just because you can with the click of a mouse change the feel!
Guest said

Yeah, so will I. Sounded like it would be a really cool trip.

Rick Phillips's avatar
Piano versus vibraphone in Expedition1....just because you can with the click of a mouse change the feel!
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Ahh, Vibraphone & Piano: 2 of my favorite *percussion* instruments. I'll go on an expedition with you any time! (Way hip kite surfing photo)

Rick Phillips's avatar
This is my first musical expedition into the midi keyboard. Having never played the piano its a fun learning experience. Thanks to Norm for lending me Stinkbug!
Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Very cool. So this is what music sounds like when you're just learning something new, Rick. I can't wait to hear when you really know what you're doing!

Rick Phillips's avatar
This is my first musical expedition into the midi keyboard. Having never played the piano its a fun learning experience. Thanks to Norm for lending me Stinkbug!
Norm's avatar
Norm said

I agree with Beth: definite Spanish flavor to this one. Very nice!

Rick Phillips's avatar
This is my first musical expedition into the midi keyboard. Having never played the piano its a fun learning experience. Thanks to Norm for lending me Stinkbug!
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Mike Denison (Lumberfork) said

Cool stuff.

Rick Phillips's avatar
This is my first musical expedition into the midi keyboard. Having never played the piano its a fun learning experience. Thanks to Norm for lending me Stinkbug!
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said


Rick Phillips's avatar
This is my first musical expedition into the midi keyboard. Having never played the piano its a fun learning experience. Thanks to Norm for lending me Stinkbug!
Guest said

I really like this, it's got the flavours of Spain and Christmas in one.

Rick Phillips's avatar
This is my first musical expedition into the midi keyboard. Having never played the piano its a fun learning experience. Thanks to Norm for lending me Stinkbug!
Guest said

like it!
