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The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project Reference Tracks

by Robert James


Flat Earth Society Blues

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Last week I posted a song called “Flat Earth Rebuttal” that was the second half of an argument between a Flat Earther and a person who fails to see the need for a biblical conspiracy against the concept of a spherical planet Earth. This song is the Flat Earther’s side of the debate. I can’t see the Earth curve, therefore the Earth is flat. I decided against going with the biblical argument. I don’t mind offending anti-science folks, but offending the super religious… too easy? I don’t know. I took a pass this time.

Anyway, 7/8 time. Lots of wah-wah. Prog rock heaven. My only complaint about this one is that I wish I had pushed the tempo a bit. A live drummer could have played a little ahead of the beat, and that might have been enough. I know when I was first writing the two songs I wanted them to plod a little, but before I recorded the guitars on the rebuttal I upped the tempo quite a bit. I think that could have helped this one too. A little hyperactivity would have helped the argument.

The guitars are all ES 335 Pro.


at the limit
of what i see
at the limit
its beyond me

Verse 1:

Evidence is suspect
I need more proof
thousand years of progress
is just a giant spoof

Verse 2:

columbus sailed the ocean
lied to everyone
lunatic in motion
see the damage done


I climb to the highest peak
It still looks straight to me
(Earth still feels flat to me)

Verse 3:

if they try to tell you
that the facts are clear
nothing that you can do
but ignore their fear

Other Bridge:

Don’t fall for it
Don’t believe the lies
