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The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project Reference Tracks

by Robert James


The First Day (2021 Version)

Uploaded .

It’s getting silly now. I haven’t finished Quarantine Tunes Volume 5 (actually, volume 50/90) and here I am uploading the first song for Volume 6. What a moron!

I am scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as the quality of songs to be re-recorded goes, though this one has now been recorded three times which is, again, just silly.

I wanted this one to sound almost live-ish and kinda ratty. I wanted it to sound like a bar band nearing the end of it’s final set for the night. I think I sort of have that. I was hammering really hard on the guitar and blowing it out of tune. I sort of meant to do that, but maybe if I ever do a fourth version of this I will tone it down a smidge.

As for the vocals, there is something wrong with my Shure SM58 so I used an SM57 without realizing this song sets the world record for plosive syllables per minute. Sorry about that. It also sounds a little thin to me. I think I may need to both invest in a couple of new mics and send the ones I have out to the shop for a look see.

This song was the first idea I had for the 2009 RPM Challenge. I had yet to switch to a DAW and was using an ADAT and a Roland Drum Machine. I was also only working at the crack of dawn before anyone else woke up. We were living in a duplex at the time so I was also trying to work before anyone in the other apartment woke up too. I did a second take of this a few years later after I started using GarageBand. The arrangement here is based on the second version, though I changed the very beginning quite a bit.

The guitars are all Gibson Les Paul Standard 50s through a Fender Bassbreaker 15. The pedals for the rhythm are a Ryra The Klone into a Keeley D&M Drive. The leads are the Ryra into a Wren and Cuff Super Russian.

Verse 1 & 3
blank page
clean slate
first stage
feels great

verse 2
open door
all clear
first floor
start here

today is the first day
today is the blue print
today has the first say
today it begins

everything is new
everything I do
