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The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project Reference Tracks

by Robert James


Run Away Together (Version 2.0)

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I think this was the first song I worked on in the 2021 50/90 (one of the first ones at least) and it still might be my favorite. This is pretty comparable to the first recording from a few months ago. I think the vocals are probably worse here, but that may be due to the fact that I am steadily losing the ability to sing. I can hear myself getting worse with each new day.

Oh well.

All of the guitar tracks used a Gibson Les Paul Standard 50s and a Fender Bassbreaker 15 amp. The pedals on the rhythm tracks were a Chicago Stompworks Blooze Maker into a Ryra The Klone. The lead swapped the Blooze Maker for a Keeley Super Phat Mod.

come and see
come and see me
we’ll run away together

come and see
please come and see me
we’ll run away forever

Stillness motionless
Feel the world around you breath
quietly alone

Try to take it in
Question everything you see
Time is not your friend
