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The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project Reference Tracks

by Robert James


The Flat Earth Rebuttal (2020 Version)

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Long backstory:
I was at a band practice and Greg the singer was telling a story about an acquaintance of his who had recently let it be known that he believed the Earth was flat. Seriously. We had a good laugh.

A day or two later my wife asked me if I’d seen any of the flat Earth idiocy going around the BookFayce. I hadn’t. We took a deep dive into it and were some how simultaneously laughing our butts off and soul crushed by the fact that people in the 21st century honestly believe the Earth is flat.

It became the theme for most of my 2014 RPM Challenge. The two best songs (in my non-objective opinion) were supposed to be an argument where one song was the flat Earth moron’s argument and the other was the rest of the human race calling him/her an idiot. This song is the rest of the human race.

I have to confess that the flat Earth idiot’s song is actually the better of the two, but I just couldn’t have it in this little collection without the rebuttal. The thought of someone listening to that song out of context and thinking that I believe the Earth is flat was a deal breaker, so this song went onto the list and the other did not.

I’m pretty pleased with how this came out. It’s a little more wall of soundish than the original, and I cut out some repetitive fat to tighten things up as well. Not bad, in my very non-objective opinion.

All of the guitar tracks are my Gibson SG Standard through a Klon KTR, a Malaise Forever Black Lives Matter and both a Vox AC15 and a Fender Bassbreaker 15. Both the rhythm and the lead have some Dunlop Crybaby wah wah, and the lead has a little MXR Phase 90 too.


You’re so small
You can’t see it all
You’re so small
You can’t take the fall

Earth so big
You can’t comprehend
Earth so big
You can’t see the end

Verse 1:

You say that you can see
far enough away
You think you’re big enough
To see all the way

Verse 2:

You think you’re high enough
You should see the curve
You climb the highest high
still you can’t observe


You’re wrong
So wrong

Wah Bridge:

So Small

Quiet Section:

How can you
Look at the world
Through the eyes
of such backward minds
