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The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project Reference Tracks

by Robert James


It's the End of the Way it Was

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2021 50/90 Challenge Song Number 27

You know what? I like this one a lot. I haven’t done much of what you could call “hard rock” this summer, but this one might qualify. It’s another in a growing line of songs in 3/4 time that are attempts to show that 3/4 can ROCK, and while it’s probably not a capitalized ROCK, more like rock, I think it grooves pretty hard, and I really like the hook.

Every now and then I accidentally come up with something that I might want to play with a band, and this is one of them. It’s short but sweet and I am pleased.

The guitars are all a Gibson Les Paul Standard 50’s into a Fender Bassbreaker 15 (like 3/4 time, low wattage amps are more than capable of rocking your face clean off your skull if you let ’em). The pedals for the rhythm tracks are a Ryra The Klone into a Malaise Forever Black Lives Matter. The lead track is a crybaby wah into the Ryra into a Wren and Cuff Super Russian.

Its the end of the way it was

Verse 1
It won’t come from above
unconditional love
come to give you a shove
come to feed you the drug

Come what may

Verse 2
they can’t show you the way
they’ll just lead you astray
They’ll just give some excuse
They can’t give you the truth

Main bridge
Nothing there to cling too
