Comments on Ron's stuff

Ron's avatar
Greg let me have another go at one of his songs and I the wrote the words and music for a bridge so that way he has to pay me some royalties when he sells a million !!! lol thanks Greg for your inspiration and great music!!
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

This is JUST PLAIN FUN . . . .

Ron's avatar
Greg let me have another go at one of his songs and I the wrote the words and music for a bridge so that way he has to pay me some royalties when he sells a million !!! lol thanks Greg for your inspiration and great music!!
Guest said

Originally attracted by the title I stopped for a very entertaining Three minutes, nice one.

Ron's avatar
Greg let me have another go at one of his songs and I the wrote the words and music for a bridge so that way he has to pay me some royalties when he sells a million !!! lol thanks Greg for your inspiration and great music!!
Guest said

..the change of pace at the bridge works well - you'll be entitled to your royalty cheque..

Ron's avatar
Greg let me have another go at one of his songs and I the wrote the words and music for a bridge so that way he has to pay me some royalties when he sells a million !!! lol thanks Greg for your inspiration and great music!!
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Love that spring reverb. Right on the money with the mid 60's rock sound. Killer.

Ron's avatar
Greg let me have another go at one of his songs and I the wrote the words and music for a bridge so that way he has to pay me some royalties when he sells a million !!! lol thanks Greg for your inspiration and great music!!
Guest said

you guys are driving me to drinking today

Ron's avatar
Greg let me have another go at one of his songs and I the wrote the words and music for a bridge so that way he has to pay me some royalties when he sells a million !!! lol thanks Greg for your inspiration and great music!!
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Outstanding . . . I'll drink to that! Good Gawd, the bridge is FANTASTIC. I like the scream and the denial at the end.

Ron's avatar
this is my take on Joe Bonamassa's version of Blind Faith's "Had To Cry today" a much shorter version...just wanted to record that cool lick and am trying to work on my vocals ... oh well ..what a time to try to learn to sing at my age...63 next…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh yeah, love it

Ron's avatar
this is my take on Joe Bonamassa's version of Blind Faith's "Had To Cry today" a much shorter version...just wanted to record that cool lick and am trying to work on my vocals ... oh well ..what a time to try to learn to sing at my age...63 next…
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Yeah! Nice choice!

Ron's avatar
this is my take on Joe Bonamassa's version of Blind Faith's "Had To Cry today" a much shorter version...just wanted to record that cool lick and am trying to work on my vocals ... oh well ..what a time to try to learn to sing at my age...63 next…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Love It! You are the Master!

Ron's avatar
This song written by Mark Imsdahl..I found it over at Greg Connor's ...I liked it so much that I asked Greg and Mark if I could do an electric version of it and they agreed...i want to have Mark blow some harp on it when he gets back from vacation…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Oh Yeah . . . I get an instant smile when I listen to this. Over the top . . . The only way to go.

Ron's avatar
This is a collaboration with Greg Connor (check his song list here) Greg wrote this about his Heritage Millennium guitar and Heritage guitars company in Kalamazoo. He sent me his vocals and rhythm guitar track and I added lead & bass guitars…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

*GOOD GAWD !!!* Stopped by for another listen

Ron's avatar
This was completely written by Andy...he wanted to enter this in a song writing contest for a Humane Society thing in England...the song had to be about a dog's poor life and death alone.....I think he did a great job all I added was the guitar…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Good song.

Ron's avatar
This was completely written by Andy...he wanted to enter this in a song writing contest for a Humane Society thing in England...the song had to be about a dog's poor life and death alone.....I think he did a great job all I added was the guitar…
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

crisp and sweet intro.getting old is hell

Ron's avatar
This was completely written by Andy...he wanted to enter this in a song writing contest for a Humane Society thing in England...the song had to be about a dog's poor life and death alone.....I think he did a great job all I added was the guitar…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Yes, sad song, but well written. You guys did a nice job on it. I especially liked the intro.

Ron's avatar
This is the result of a songwriting challenge that Andy took part in on a songwriting forum he uses We were all given the same lyrics and then sent away to see what came back and see how different the results would be in styles etc , There's…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

That's really really good...... Flows right over you nicely.....

Ron's avatar
This is the result of a songwriting challenge that Andy took part in on a songwriting forum he uses We were all given the same lyrics and then sent away to see what came back and see how different the results would be in styles etc , There's…
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

Like the tune and lyrics are fun. and musically as always very well done

Ron's avatar
This is the result of a songwriting challenge that Andy took part in on a songwriting forum he uses We were all given the same lyrics and then sent away to see what came back and see how different the results would be in styles etc , There's…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Beautiful. It flows well and the music really supports the lyrics well. I have to admit . . . I was looking for at least one *"GOOD GAWD"* in there.

Ron's avatar
A song about the high price of gas...
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Funkedelic and Soulful -- masterfully composed and performed! Fabulous job! ROCK ON!

Ron's avatar
The prequel to Big Legged Woman Blues.. She meets Sweet Ronnie Cream Cheese on a cruise and the ship goes down!! This is A 3 way collaboration over the internet Story, lyrics and inspiration from Greg Connor (Minnesota) Music, story and…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Lost At Sea . . . *"Good Gawd"* . . . I'm going sailing this afternoon. Let's hope *Big Legged Woman* doesn't make us list to starboard or port.

Ron's avatar
A remix of this tune by a guy who really knows how to mix tracks proper...Andy found a producer type guy that liked this song but thought the mix was really I sent him all the individual tracks and this is what he came up with I think…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

That really sounds goood. "Good Gawd" You are really something!
